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Could someone help me with eliminating clipping?


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Well, after some screwing around in weight painting, I've finally gotten the front to work.


Now, of course, the back is slightly @#$%ed up. Oy vey. . . . .

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just a thought. you are working with a single piece body mesh aren't you? if not you'll need to make one for the purpose of coping bone weights. the script only allows you to copy the weight of a single mesh. if you start trying to copy from multiple meshes then things start to go bad. also now that I know your using other peoples meshes there is other things to watch out for. most meshes have bones attached to them and they can get mixed in with the other bones that you can't even see because they are duplicates and take up the same space. you will need to learn to clean these meshes before you try to use them.
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just a thought. you are working with a single piece body mesh aren't you? if not you'll need to make one for the purpose of coping bone weights. the script only allows you to copy the weight of a single mesh. if you start trying to copy from multiple meshes then things start to go bad. also now that I know your using other peoples meshes there is other things to watch out for. most meshes have bones attached to them and they can get mixed in with the other bones that you can't even see because they are duplicates and take up the same space. you will need to learn to clean these meshes before you try to use them.


Nah, I've taken care of all of that. It is a single mesh and I've made sure to delete all of the other skeletons when importing so there's just a single one. (It's been my experience that when there are two overlapping skeletons the thing either won't load at all, won't show up in-game, or turns your torso into an amorphous blob)


I'm making good progress now, actually. I finally figured out how weight paint works, in switching between the various vertex groups for parts of the body, and it's gone much smoother since then, just a case of trial and error and fixing where it needs it. Tedious, to be sure, but it's yielding results. The back got screwed up because some of the weight painting from the front hit the back, so random parts were being pulled in the wrong direction.


Pain in the ass, though. Definitely my least favorite part of the process so far.

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Yes I have had that problem many times my self. get one side all painted up nicely only to find out the other side got trashed in the process. I find my self switching back and forth between 2.49 and 2.5 now the setup is so much nicer. if you get the .zip version of 2.5 you can just unzip it and use both.
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