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Silent Hill mod request?


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Ok, I have been thinking. If anyone has ever seen the movie silent hill, I want it to be a lot like this. For instance, daytime would be foggy, and have ashes falling from the sky. (Use a snow mod) and at random times, a siren would go off sounding like this:

or if you want, this:
or even this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2CEJmFFDq4&feature=related

All are freaky. When this rings, it gets very very very dark, and ghouls are spawned all over the place, in huge pairs. Only seeing the glow of there eyes and a faint shape of them, making this scary as ever. If anyone can do this, this mod will receive so many downloads. I have more ideas for this, but I would rather keep it down to the basics to see what people think. Anyone up for this?

If anyone was wondering what I was thinking for updates,it wouldnt be just little weak feral ghouls running around, it would be monsters, like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2CEJmFFDq4&feature=related

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Ok, I have been thinking. If anyone has ever seen the movie silent hill, I want it to be a lot like this. For instance, daytime would be foggy, and have ashes falling from the sky. (Use a snow mod) and at random times, a siren would go off sounding like this:

or if you want, this:
or even this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2CEJmFFDq4&feature=related

All are freaky. When this rings, it gets very very very dark, and ghouls are spawned all over the place, in huge pairs. Only seeing the glow of there eyes and a faint shape of them, making this scary as ever. If anyone can do this, this mod will receive so many downloads. I have more ideas for this, but I would rather keep it down to the basics to see what people think. Anyone up for this?

If anyone was wondering what I was thinking for updates,it wouldnt be just little weak feral ghouls running around, it would be monsters, like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2CEJmFFDq4&feature=related

Skip to 1:50



Not seen the film but used to play the original game years ago, as for mods someone did the silent hill fog as part of a weather mod for FO3 here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6550, don't think its been ported over yet but there is this http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35998 which i think has a fog stage.


Also there was a "nighttime ghouls mod" which had glowing ghouls forget which mod had them included offhand might be mmm but again do not think it has been ported


You could always mix the weather with "Zombie Apocalypse" http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37067 to give it a slightly more "threatenig" feeling as for the sound effect that is fairly simple to rig up in GECK and you can set it to go at specific times and place a sound activator anywhere you want it, as for the other monsters that would require someone making the meshes/textures or modifieing meshes in game already.


Hope that helps a bit


Best Regards


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Well Stealthic Khaos, I thought I'd just mention, even though you didn't mention him in your post, a mod was created for Oblivion to add Pyramid Head from the games, and I believe the movie but it's been a while since I seen the movie. If anyone were to do this mod, or you do yourself, you may want to contact the creator of the Oblivion mod to see about converting the files over to New Vegas.


Nice idea, hopefully someone will do it someday,


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