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Massive PLayer Owned Safe Haven


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Sry for miss understanding what you said. I'm just a litle suprise of the reactions on this forum. On the forum on wich we work on this project, I just had good comments and every body seemed to want to participate. I just didnt know how to reacte to bad critisism. Read the reply I did to vagrant for more info..I'm a litle sick of typing...lol...

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Calm down and read my post again. Your project is becoming as big as it is because you are just sitting there brainstorming, it will continue to get even larger as you continue brainstorming. What I am trying to get across is that you need to STOP, figure out the very basics of what you want done, then start working on that. You can still continue to develop the idea later, once you have something concrete to base it off of. This is so that it remains a controllable size, and allows you to focus on one area at a time. We are trying to help you, we have all seen projects like this, and know how they usually end up. If you still believe your way is right, then I suppose it can't be helped, good luck.
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