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Need help understanding a bug.


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Ok, I've been once again screwed over by the buggy hell-child of Bethesda commonly known as the creation kit.


Now I'm the kind of person that is fanatical about backing up. Every day before I shut down I will back up to the internet, to my second hard drive, my usb and will print out a copy if it can be done. But this time, not even backing up my precious work could save me...


I had just spent around 3-4 hours of straight modding, saving every 10 minutes. I begin to get tired so It a day and close down the CK for the night. Just like I usually do, I back up my files and go to bed. The next day I power on my computer and re-open the Creation Kit. When all the files are loaded I open up the interior I've been working on to do some finishing touches. Lo and behold EVERYTHING I had done to that interior had disappeared and it had reverted back into the state it was in before I began work on it the previous day. Sh*t I think as I go down to check my other interior to see if it too has been affected, and whatdaya know, its not even there. Note that this interior was brand new, me having just created it yesterday. Panicking know I open up a quest I had been editing. I breath a sigh of relief as I see that all the quest stages are there in the right order but my euphoria quickly dissipates as I see that all the script fragments attached to them are gone. My hands shaking a switch to dialogue, all gone. Scenes, all gone, actors, items, books, all gone. And not just gone from the plugin, gone from the data folder as well which is odd seeing as all the scripts I wrote compiled correctly. I load my backup from the previous night, and no dice. In case you can't tell, my changes did not save DESPITE me spending more time pressing the save button than actually working (joke).


Devastated, I turn to my best friend; google. I frantically type CREATION KIT CHANGES GONE and the only related thing it comes up with is a list of CK bugs on Dark Creations:


Moving or rotating any marker (x marker, coc marker, roombounds etc) that's been added in the current plugin (i.e. doesn't have a mod index of 00) doesn't cause the Creation Kit to mark the plugin as changed (* tag). Therefore it seems as if it's saved when in reality your changes will be lost on exit. The CK doesn't even notify you if the plugin should be saved, it just closes without any prompts, causing you to lose any changes made.

This sounds about right as I did a lot of work with markers and triggers and stuff however as I would very much like to avoid this happening to me again in the future I need someone who actually understands this to tell me what it means. If its any help i understood about as far as 'Moving or rotating any marker'.'

Thank you so much for your time, I know my stupid sob-story must be a pain to have to read but I find writing about things is the best way to express my emotions.


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Sorry for your loss and I thought it was frustrating losing a few settings that CK didn't save in my mod.

Damn that's harsh since you backup so regularly, unlike me i run it till it crashes with the occasional save in between.


Seems odd, any time I touch any form of marker (native or my own) in the render window it's just about guaranteed to be flagged with * in the Cell View window.

(mainly because i forget turn off the snap rotate, and as soon as I right click -> edit, the marker rotates if it's not on the grid squarely) .

Mental note for me: right click the marker or any object in the Cell View window, not in the render window.


I really don't get it though, hitting the File -> Save in CK should save regardless if there is no changes to the file, always has for me. (occasional setting dropped here or there).

I can tell it's saved by the times tamp on my plugin even when I changed nothing and hit File -> Save.

I've never used the save button ever in CK always used File -> Save, but that should not make a difference.

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