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Help for a little script...


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Hi there.


I'm not good at all with scripting and stuff... so I'm asking you guys to know if it's even possible.


I'd like to do a script for horses (or at least one specific horse) that when you mount him, the script will play a specific "riding horse" music.


I searched the files, but I couldn't find anything similar.. so I guess I'll have to make my own one, but I don't know how.


Thanks for your help... :)



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I believe you have to hit the 'use' key to dismuont. Does this target the horse? If so, an OnActivate (or whatever, I think that's the function) should work, as long as you have a variable that keeps track of whether it's a mount or dismount.
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I tried writing this script:


scn HorseMusic


begin OnActivate

StreamMusic "data\music\special\Trombe!.mp3"



I save and try, but when I place a horse modified with that script (player.placeatme hexcode), it says that I haven't compiled the script or something similar... but I did save the script, I'm sure.





Ok, I tried modifying an existing script (in this case, Cheydinhal owned horse script, "HorsePCBlackCheydinhalScript"), and I changed near the end to something like this:

[...] Set TellPC to 0



StreamMusic Public



I made other tries with folders, and noticed that everytime I'd activate the horse, the music that was already playing (exploring music) would just restart, so I tried with the StreamMusic that should play a random city music: it still restarts the current music.

http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/StreamMusic here it says that would happen only if a filename doesn't exist, but "StreamMusic Public" should be a random file from music\public folder, so I shouldn't have that kind of problem...



ok, I read that page better, and I think this is my problem:

To use this command in a cell with music-type "Default", you need to call StreamMusic random first, then wait for a frame for the command to be executed, and then use Streammusic "<filename>"

fact is, how do I make a script that "waits for a frame" before using "StreamMusic "<filename>"?

do I just write

StreamMusic random

StreamMusic "data\music\special\Trombe!.mp3"



I'm going to try this now, but I don't think it'll work...



well, it KINDA works... but not really good. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes when you demount that music plays, and when you mount back it plays a random music... if you try many times it works, but it shouldn't be like this.. and when the music ends, it choses a random music, I hoped it would loop back.

I don't think I'll be able to do better than this...


Thanks again for your help... :)

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