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[Mod Request] Random Dungeon.


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I'm here to request a random Dungeon mod.




This dungeon could be placed anywhere really but for more Lore Friendly it could be placed in one of the mining villages mines, somewhere deep.


The entrance to the Random Dungeon is locked by enchanted door.

Outside the dungeon entrance stand two Guards, An Argonian male/female (can be generic looking) and An Orc Male/Female (can be generic looking).


There is a female Khajit mage walking around the level of the mine, she never leaves the mine (just like the guards) and should be easy to find.


in order to enter the dungeon you need to buy a key from her. The key costs 25000 gold and is perishable on leaving the dungeon. So once you enter and exit your key is gone, and you have to buy a new one.

You can't steal the key from her too, the guards will immiedietly attack you when you try to steal from her, and they will kill you. She only has one key on sale. So it's not like you open a trade, you just say you buy the key as dialogue option.


Dungeon Mechanic:

The dungeon is a generic design for a deep and wide cave, with a lot of tunnels. Not the creepy freaky ex-snow-elves cave tho, that creeps me out but it could be a choice to install between dungeons. You can freely express yourself as you see fit :)


In order to complete the dungeon you have to kill every enemy inside, they all don't drop loot tho, otehr than a few coins and maybe mushrooms, etc.

Uppon killing the last enemy a chime plays, and a portal opens in the center of the labirynth.

The player can use the portal to go to the next level or outside.

Choosing Outside:

-You leave the dungeon, resetting and upgrading every enemy in the dungeon.

-You recive a debuff of 4 days (in-game) and are unable to enter another dungeon or purchase a key.


Choosing Next Level:

-You are teleported to another, deeped level of the dungeon, right at the exit door, you can escape through the door to outside or go and fight what's ahead of you.

-Enemies are 5x stronger, chance of meeting a Daedra Lord with a 2h-Enchanted Daedric Sword (5% to loot it but 95% chance to not be able to loot it)(random enchantment).


Every 5 levels you battle Either a "Horde of Undead" boss fight or Invisible Archers/Spellcasters.


Every 20 level you fight a Mimic, a powerful demon in the center of the small area cave that attacks you when you try to interract with it. After killing it, you can loot it for some random loot, much like with the Giants or Dragons. After2 minutes the Mimic evaporates into thin air and nothing is left and the a portal opens nearby.


The Mimic:


Health 5.000(+) HP

Weaknesses: Fire/Lightning/Frost/Poison. Slow Moving.

Strenghts: High Physical Endurance. Casts Spell:Firebolt (high damage). High Physical Damage. Can summon undead warriors and archers (5 at a time).

Description: The Mimic preys on careless adventurers seeking wealth and riches, attacks the moment anything tries to interract with it.


Dungeon Rewards: Only loot dropped by enemies (if you're lucky) and from Mimics (guaranteed at least 4 items per kill from Mimic).

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