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I want to have my files and account deleted!!!


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Dear staff and grumpy old man buddah,


I recently got banned on my main account azurewaters for a completely made up reason. Basically I've never harassed or threatened anyone, also proof for this said action could never be provided, which already proves again that 90% of the bans here are made up.


Anyway, I want that ALL my files here get deleted on my main account. Everything, images, mods, messages, friendlist. Literally: Delete the account for gods sake and add the usename to blacklist, I want to see everything GONE. This website and it's premium members don't deserve my masterful creations and genius.


I'm sure there will be enough other mods, like furry porn, nude bodies and anime armours so you can keep this site running.


Also the real ban reason, would be insulting, but what I said wouldn't be more worth than a single strike, whatever.


I bet you'll delete this topic, as this forum always covers up "inconvenient incidents"... Lets see if I'm right, again...



godcomplex3100 the one and only



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If the account gets deleted then ill have no friends :sad:

LoL i have 1 friend

Sorry Jagermh, but I've called this guy an "egomaniacal insane freak" and blocked him, because I didn't want to talk with him again, had a bad day and got reported. If everyone would be jailed for this, the prisons would be full and only mute people would be living in freedom.



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I don't mean to sound rude... But you haven't exactly provided anything much to the nexus?

You changed Star Paladin Cross on Fo3 and made a map marker for lazy people on NV


That set aside... Don't you think you are over-reacting just a little bit?

Most of the bans on this site are reported by other members of the community so I'm not sure where you're getting that from.

You said some things out of turn and you should have calmed down first and perhaps tried to redeem yourself later


We all get upset over things that we don't like.

The fact that your getting really upset over a ban to website so hard shows that you liked coming here.

Don't go out making more bad blood for yourself.


Modding is about modifying a game and most of the time it is to your own person preference.

Why not let people see your preference, the fact that hundreds of people have downloaded them shows they've taken an interest in it, the endorsements even more so.

Don't ruin it for them either.


Don't do this for me, don't do this for anyone else.

Do this for you.

Just calm down. Accept the situation, wait a while to gather your thoughts and then try talking to the moderators or even an admin about a possible return. (It's always a possibility)


You won't find anywhere else with a community as good as this or with such a vast amount of amazing mods, images and discussions.

Just bare that in mind.


Take care friend.

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Download all your files

post them on your account

friend me

hey presto problem solved try not to get banned in the future LoL

and avoid the PM button because anything can be misinturputed

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Whatever you say KDStudios, they won't unban me and this account will get deleted as well I suppose. I to recognize though the effort you put in this post and wish you a happy life here. I've already got tried without a process here and the verdict has been carried out.


If someone wants to save my files, or you Jagermh, do it now, as KDStudios implied "you haven't exactly provided anything much to the nexus".


Goodbye people.

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With all due respect (and even some which isn't due), you are overreacting here if indeed you are innocent of the reasons for which you were banned. I was not the one to handle the report, but you are always able to contact site admin and appeal the reasons why you were banned. As for being banned... Harassment of members is a serious offense, and depending on the extent of that harassment and what was said to them, it is indeed something which can rightfully deserve a ban.


The only thing that this rant of yours accomplishes is ruining your credibility that this is a misunderstanding and creating more strikes against you as a user.

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