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Scripting Help


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I've been pushed by my brother to actually create a few of my ideas, but I'm not too familiar with scripting and hoping someone here can give me some help.


The basic idea is I think pretty simple, but it's hard to put to words. But I'll try nonetheless.


Each time you are exposed to radiation for a certain amount of time and each time you eat/drink something with a radiation count there is a chance you'll get a 'mutation point'. Each time you get completely healed from radiation by a physician the 'mutation point' total is also reset to 0.


After each time interval you have 'mutation' points, a test is done to see if the points result in a permanent mutation. If it does, then you get a mutation perk and the point counter is reset.



But I'm a bit stuck on the implementation of this idea.


Can anyone help me in looking in the right direction (or perhaps give a solution) ??


Thanks in advance.

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