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Hi there.


As you can understand I'm trying to add magic to Fallout 3, and I need SERIOUS help!


First of all I need animations for spellcasting


Then I need some visual effects for magic projectiles


In the end I need to solve the hideous bug that makes you consume normal ammo when you cast spells. And another reguarding special effects on targets.


To solve the latter 2 problems I need to create a script that hurl a magic projectile (namely an activator or a trigger box) toward the target. But I need to check collisions with ground and actors (checking collisions with actors is easy, with ground and obstacles is not).


Ah... I forgot, I also need somebody who can help me with UI, needing to add something that permits the playet to know which spell is selected and how many mana he has in inventory!


Thankz for the attention.



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