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There is brick wall at around 400 mods for FPS stability


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After many many hours of testing trying to improve FPS in my heavily modded Skyrim, I realised there is brick wall at some point crossing which will lead to constant stutters and FPS drops. I cant say exact number of mods, but its at about 400. Before hitting this brick wall, game will run well with no severe FPS issues (maybe in very populated areas). If you try to install any mods after reaching the wall, it doesnt matter which mods you add - small patches or new dungeon or follower - even if its just 2 of those it turns from very fluent to almost unplayable due to stutters and FPS drops.


I know it doesnt make sence that few tiny innocent mods could suddenly turn stable game into framerate hell, I didnt want to believe it also. But tests showed exactly that. Looks like there is something similar to memory segments that were fixed by Shensen patch, but related to FPS too.

Edited by mindw0rk2
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400 mods!? Holy cow... I can't ever imagine having that many mods haha! I'm surprised it even RUNS with 400 mods.


I don't have a problem with FPS (yet), but as I add in more mods, I can definitely tell a big difference in load times... and I have a solid state. I try to keep my mod list to a minimum for organization/management purposes and load times.


I say this with no disrespect... but you have to be CRAZY to run 400 mods!! Haha :laugh:

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