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Scripted reversed dagger


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Hello Nexus !


I always liked the idea of wielding a dagger backwards but, as you might already know, the mesh looks odd and funny when you shealth your weapon.


So, here's the thing :


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40775/? this mod contains an Animated balisong... In other words, the shealthed model is different from the actual unshealthed model... So I did some workaround and I managed to replace the models of the balisong with the reversed Mehrunes Razor from that mod : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2727/? and I replaced the shealthed model with the vanilla Mehrunes Razor. And it works perfectely ! No more reversed shealthed dagger !


I'd gladldy do the others myself but... I have 0 skills in modding so if someone could use the script for other dagger or even make the scripted reversed Mehrunes Razor not replacing Valdr's Lucky dagger, I would be thankful.


+ Who doesn't want to have a reversed dagger =)

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