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Failed to initialize renderer (windowed mode not supported by this adapter)


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Ok, I played for about 8 hours so far and I'm getting a decent framerate except it bogs down a bit in really big fights. I got my first crash today: It was after I died and right when the game was about to reload. I tried a purge cell buffers mod but that made me crash almost instantly so I uninstalled it.

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Ok, I played for about 8 hours so far and I'm getting a decent framerate except it bogs down a bit in really big fights. I got my first crash today: It was after I died and right when the game was about to reload. I tried a purge cell buffers mod but that made me crash almost instantly so I uninstalled it.

A mod ? as in what mod did this?


"cell buffers mod"


Don't panic..8 straight hours only means you did what you were told to do and were successful.


Gamebryro does that in intense fights, that kind of activity is normal...fallout configurator can alleviate these problems if you use that tool small steps at a time.


it can set up a ini file to fit your current game set so you can have all the fun you want. But... 8 hours !! , that's amazing !!


when you get crashing and think it's due to a mod...it may not be the mod, but the system limits were reached.


ok, frame rates are effected by sound files..in fights, too many at once can cause a crash, overwhelm the chip and there is not enough memory on this planet to prevent the crash, it's the chip...the sound chip that can't handle the data flow...the game and machine simply times out.


try NOT to use too many gimmicks fixing things that do not need fixing..understand ?


congrats on the thorough play through.


if you provide more in-depth information for me to analyses here, I can find things you can try..if it's not too late that is?



Edited by Purr4me
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Yes, those 8 hours were fantastic! I really can't say thank you enough for all the help you've given. I was using the configator before and I can post some of the settings I'm using. I may have messed things up with it for all I know. At the moment, I really don't care so much about textures and graphic quality if I have to sacrifice some of that for stability/performance.


Fullscreen : off

VSync: off

Anisotropic Filtering: off

Antialiasing: off

(I have these turned off in the configator but have them turned to 8x each on my Nvidia settings. I heard somewhere it's better that way but could be wrong.)


Bloom: off

HDR: off

3.0 Shaders: off

Transparency Multisampling: on

Specular effects: on

Max Amount of Decals: 100

Max decals per frame: 10


Shadows: on

Shadow quality: 1024

Shadow filtering: 2

Max shadows in interiors: 6

Max shadows in exteriors: 6


Grass fade distance: 1500

Light fade distance: 3500

Shadow fade distance: 500

Specular fade distance : 1500


Object fade distance: 15

Item fade distance: 8

Actor Fade Distance: 15


Tree LOD fade: 40000

Object LOD fade: 51000

Land Quality: 1.4


Threaded morpher: on

Threaded Blood: on

Threaded Particles: on

Threaded AI: on

Background Pathing: on

Models Cloned in Background: on

Cells Loaded in Background: on

Load Files in background: on

Multithread Trees: on

Navmesh update in background: on

Load lip files in background: on

Havok Threads: 4


Render Grass: off

Interior Cell Buffer : 24

Exterior Cell buffer: 72

Grids to load: 7

Pre-emptively unload cells: off

Unload cells on fast travel: off

Use hard drive cache: off

Preload size limit: 100mb (tried increasing this to 200mb as I have 16G ram but I got a crash after a few minutes with it that high)


Audio Enabled: on

Main menu music volume: 0.6

Audio Caching: on

Audio Cache Size: 2048

Multithreaded Audio: off ( had to set this to fix freezing on pause menu)

Max Impact Sounds: 32



(Another crash occurred once when I tried to do a hard save from pause menu-- as soon as I clicked save, fallout stopped working.)



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reboot the PC so the settings register on the system's registry file, allow the system to maintain some settings the game will use.

double the 2048 setting for a trial run for audio.

turn on shaders so the Transparency Multisampling has something to work with...(Test things...one at a time for a bit, see how it runs.


the last saved game, delete that as it is now corrupted. Just know you can only advance the settings during game play, you can't reverse things too much.

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When you say to delete the file, which one are you talking about: The one from when I tried to save and it crashed or should I start a whole new playthrough? When it crashed the very first time I reverted back to a save that casm did about 3 saves back.

Edited by Felson7
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The problem I ran into tonight was when I tried to go into the friendship metro. When I go in there I hear some ghouls growling and all I can see is black. I checked with Fo3edit and the RezDcLoadlast shows a few conflicts with FWE, unofficial fallout patch and DCinteriors. I've got RezDCSubwayLoadLast.esp last in the load order and RezDCSubway and metros alive esms at the bottom of my esms.


Other than that, the game's been running pretty well today with the settings you suggested. Do you think I could possibly increase the audio safely to 8192 to further reduce stutters or is that too high?

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Don't over do things... how you say " if it ain't broken? don't fix it."


I thinks that's how it's said.


but, if your careful and have the hard drive space available...you can back things up and start on Eliminating bloat from textures and mesh files.

that process is another avenue or approach taken in modding the game. Specific things not to change.

  1. No change armors
  2. No change characters
  3. No change creatures
  4. No change Bullet rendering.
  5. Risky but you can on select types of crafted weapon packs reduce the bloat in those..this is not using current tools your familiar with.
  6. Back up current games sets ...Just encase you mess things up..keep a clear mind about what your doing and remember that any saved game that stores bad code will not be able to be used, along with that comes the other side of this...each time you change things ,the games saved game can be corrupted by good mods because if you choose to remove one and try to use an earlier save game that has that mods data stored within it, the game will not load...most of the time it does...but there is where the finite things take place as you have seen already.

A solid running game is worth a lot more than just following suite.


Do you think I could possibly increase the audio safely to 8192 to further reduce stutters or is that too high?

This deals with not only the game, but the PC and the OS....The OS swap file is what this setting effects in combination with the sound hardware and the game instructions. Your free to experiment as much as possible and find your systems limit's...that is what is the fun doing all of this.

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