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Having problems with my first ever mod


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Hello, I'm attempting my first mod ever and I'm a in a bit over my head. I'm about halfway through and I'm having some issues that I'd like to resolve before I go any further.


The story so far: I'm a big fan of The Noble Family Breezehome mod, but I wanted to change a few things to make it perfect for me. Having no CK experience, I posted a mod request for help, and this one guy graciously responded. My requests mainly involved enlarging some rooms and adding some of the cool modder resources out there, and he quickly got most of the rooms done. There was a problem with the basement not rendering properly, so he duplicated the cell and the rendering issues vanished. At this point he had to give it up 'cause of real life, and he sent me the .esp. I spent a few days reading tutorials and learning the CK basics, then got to work. I've got the cell built how I want it, and I have most of the clutter placed. I've yet to do navmeshing, lighting, fx, idle markers, etc.



So, I have a bunch of questions and a handful of problems. As far as the questions, if anyone can answer or point me in the direction of a good tutorial, I'd be grateful. Here goes:


1. The original mod contained a few quest markers related to the hearthfire adoption quests. I'm not sure how these work, but I want to make sure my file has them working.


2. Activators - I'm not sure how these work. I've placed a few things in the cell, such as hearthfire trophy pedastels and planting soil, childrens practice dummys, the exploding spider scroll creator from dragonborn, yet none of them function ingame. What am I missing?


3. What are plane markers? The original mod contained these, but I don't know what they do. I have an issue with the glow from the main fire pit being visible on the ceiling in the room below it, is this what a plane marker would prevent?


4. When I load the cell ingame, its brightly lit, like the overhead light in the CK is on. Loading the esp in the CK, turning the light off and saving doesnt fix it. How do I turn this off?


5. Just today I have this problem: When I try to enter the cell ingame the screen goes black and I cant exit, use console, access menus, etc, though I can still here music and sound effects. I have to alt/tab/delete out. ???


6. Many of the placeables I want to use require scripts to funtion properly; eg; elderscroll and blackbook display racks, a mirror that essentially opens the showracemenu, etc. I also would like to apply a remove armor/clothing script to the pool. Any suggestions on how to do this and make these things function properly?



Its my understand that loading any esp into the ck will produce some warning boxes, but I think I have more than normal and I want to fix as many issues as I can. I've summarized the warnings here:



When making my file the active file:




1 Forms: non-parent navi form 00012fb4 (and many others) exists in both file hearthfires.esm and update.esm

2 quests: could not find previous info 02003ed1 for topicinfo 02003ed2 in topic RelationshipAdoption_sharedInfos 02003d00 + 4 others

3. quests: could not find previous info 03036a5f for topicinfo 03036a60 in topic 03017e64

4. masterfile: unique actorbase housecarlwhiterun 000a2c8e has more than one reference in the world. data access when unloaded may not work correctly

5. masterfile; missing sibling 020162a0 found in story manager node wichangelocationnode 000a39c6 under parent node 'change location event' 0001320e

6. masterfile: navmeshinfo 00028e37 has no parent space, ignoring

7. masterfile: errors were encountered during inititem for reference:

base: autoloaddoor01 00031897
ref: 00015e1d
cell: yngolbarrowexterior 0000b452 (38, 11) in world tamriel 0000003c

8. masterfile: errors were encountered during inititem for reference:

base: wrshackdoorminuse01 000fe471
ref: 0006767f
cell: whiterunexterior10 000095da (7, -1) in world tamriel 0000003c




When loading my cell in the render window:




1. Havok: Interior is too large for the havok world! World must be expanded or cell must be made smaller.

Cell Extants; x:2044.310181 y:2105.291016 z:234688.640625
World Size: 227471.562500


**I think I know what caused this. There is a resource for a large Manor house by Stroti available on the nexus. I attempted to add this to my interior cell and scale it way down to be a little toy house for the kids room. Deleting the static doesnt solve the problem though. I dont want the mod to be two cells, how do I fix?**

2. Assert

3. Textures:Base data\meshes\etc.nif is missing an enviroment map

4. Havok:File contains a phantom with mesh shape collision. Please remove shape or convert to primitive

5. Textures: Texture set missing texture grey.bmp ; flatnormal.tga; textures\actor\character\female\femalebody_0_msn.dds

6. Textures: ShipKatariahWoodSmBaseFloorStairs01:0 is missing a diffuse map; and a normal map

7. havok: List shape with child container subshape found in meshes\dlc02\levers\expspidercraftinglever\expspidercraftinglever.nif, will not be able to resolve support materialfor character controller collisions properly

8. animation: project defaultmale's (and DefaultFemale's) event name IdleFreaSorrowLoopEnter linked with a different capitalization already

9. animation: unable to map bone book flap1 (and flap2, flap3) on clone HighPolyBasicBook07a (and book05a, book01, book07, highpolyalterationbook, booklarge02, basicbook06, basicbook03, basicbook03a, basicbook04) for havok behavior controller

10. animation:stat
architectue\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrintwallststrwina.nif has a controller that targets the roots 3d

11. textures: playerhousemannequin (040351c9) -> (00089a85): maleunderwear_1 is missing a specular map





So thats it in a nutshell. Any help would be very much appreciated, and if any experienced modders are interested in troubleshooting/beta testing what I have so far, email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the file. Thanks everyone!

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  • 3 months later...

This may not help you, but I added some house models to a sort of static repository mod I'm making. It's basically a warehouse for statics that I can use along with Jaxonz Positionor (Fantastic mod!) to decorate my player houses. Anyway, like you, I wanted to scale down some house models so they can be toy houses for the kids. I added these models to the statics category. It's just a simple drag and drop. Easy peasy. Maybe you didn't add the mesh to the static category? Not moveable statics, or miscellaneous. They need to be added to statics. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 years later...

The plane markers are used for a top-down orthographic perspective of the map. it helps clarify the level layout, as many objects can clip through the layout, making it seem as if the layout is larger than it is. Purely a design/communication tool.


At least that's my interpretation.

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