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Can't use ENBs


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1. Is SKSE in your skyrim directory? Try running it as admin.

2. go to enblocal and make sure this line reads like so: UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true and see if it loads.

2. Update your direct x

3. Try runnning the wrapper version


The ENB forums yield no help for this issue :(

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1. Is SKSE in your skyrim directory? Try running it as admin.

2. go to enblocal and make sure this line reads like so: UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true and see if it loads.

2. Update your direct x

3. Try runnning the wrapper version


The ENB forums yield no help for this issue :sad:

I do use the Wrapper version.

Running SKSE as Admin works!!! Thank you very much, I hope I won't get any more problems.

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