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Transparent/Black Bar at Bottom of Screen


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Hey, first time posting here, was wondering if I could get some help with an issue i've been having for awhile. I have a somtimes transparent, sometimes black bar at the bottom of my screen which changes it's colours when I look around making it look like it's a screen scene in OBS by replicating a portion of the top of my screen, if that makes any sense.
Here's what it looks like: http://puu.sh/gooM2/174160ec04.jpg
All help is appreciated, thanks!

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Hey, sorry for the late-ish response, was having some issues with my computer.
I went through my ENBGUI and enblocal.ini and saw that it was already disabled. I messed around with other AA options and have them all disabled but still have the issue with the bar. Yesterday I also realized that when I look up and down, sometimes the bar will shift from the bottom of my screen to the top, again replicating a portion of the image on the screen. Any other ideas? Thank you!

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Disabling my ENB turns it off. Here's what it looks like side by side with ENB on the left, and no ENB on the right: http://puu.sh/gqyQe/6dba7d5762.jpg (sorry if it's a little hard to see)


EDIT: Seemed to have fixed it after uninstalling skyrim and working with clean files. I'm currently using Seasons of Skyrim ENB without the issue I had previously.

Edited by Tequilha
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