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Making hostile spells not hostile


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Is it possible to make the premade spell effects not hostile. The check box is greyed out so I guess you can't do it that way.


Can it be scripted. Basically I want to create a spell to drain all fatigue so people collapse. I am sure someone else has already done this but I want to do it just for kicks :P . Anyway can this be done using drain fatigue and making it non-hostile or does it have to be scripted?


If it has to be scripted how can this be done. I tried setting the NPCs fatigue to 0 but it didn't do anything (other than set the fatigue to 0, no collapse tho).


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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Is it possible to make the premade spell effects not hostile. The check box is greyed out so I guess you can't do it that way.


Can it be scripted. Basically I want to create a spell to drain all fatigue so people collapse. I am sure someone else has already done this but I want to do it just for kicks :P . Anyway can this be done using drain fatigue and making it non-hostile or does it have to be scripted?


If it has to be scripted how can this be done. I tried setting the NPCs fatigue to 0 but it didn't do anything (other than set the fatigue to 0, no collapse tho).


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





You could try (Command||Calm)&&(DrainFatigue||DamageFatigue)



This reminds me of my "Curse of Flesh" spell in MW: Fortify Health 100 points for 15 seconds, Damage Health 10 points for 10 seconds.

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I think you're better off just making a scripted spell (with hostile off) that causes the NPC to cast a damage fatigue spell on themselves. Ideally, this would make it so that they don't start attacking you because of it, and so that it doesn't count as an assult.


If I'm right in assuming, this is just something for your own kicks. I suppose I can understand.

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Lol, I avoid using scripts when I need to, mainly because I have not the self discipline at the moment to learn the TES scripting codes and such. It's just not my thing at the moment, I wnt to get into mesh making more than anything, though.
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Thanks for the ideas I shall give em a go. I want it to be non-hostile so that I don't get a penalty. it is annoying to be messing about and get the guard after you. Especially when you suck at fighting them like I do :P




Tried it with drain fatigue a huge amount and 2 scripts. One is meant to stop the combat alarm, set the gold to 0 and pay it using the thief one (hear that tip from somewhere). The second stops the NPC from going into combat. The main problem is that I still get 40 bounty. Shouldn't the script takecare of that? It is applied to self. Thats right isn't it?

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Tried it with drain fatigue a huge amount and 2 scripts. One is meant to stop the combat alarm, set the gold to 0 and pay it using the thief one (hear that tip from somewhere). The second stops the NPC from going into combat. The main problem is that I still get 40 bounty. Shouldn't the script takecare of that? It is applied to self. Thats right isn't it?


No, even if your bounty gets removed right away, you still piss off those around you. It also normally takes a bit before they realize you attacked them, which means that your bounty gets cleared before you obtain one.


What you should really do is what I suggested, make a single scripted spell with no other effects, make that spell non-hostile. Inside the spell script have something like;

scn myspellscript01001

ref self

begin scripteffectstart
set self to getself
self.cast ********* self :replace ****** with the ID of your other spell

Then make a spell that does damage fatigue for 500 for 10 seconds on self. Take the ID of that spell, and put it in the right place in the script. Now when you use the scripted spell on someone, they will be forced to cast that spell on themselves, causing them to fall to the ground without any bounties or anything getting in your way.

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