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Getting followers to wear custom outfits/hair


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I've been trying to get Boone to start out with the Desert Scorpion outfit by max_dx10 instead of his merc outfit.

I went into his inventory via GECK and replaced the outfit with the Desert Scorpion one, but in game, he shows up naked.

Same when I tried to give Veronica custom hair.


What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?

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Did you make sure that your mod is loaded after the mods it is dependent on?



Yes. D:

When I reopen the file in GECK, the changes I made with the custom hair/clothes didn't show up, like it didn't save properly.

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Are you creating your own .esp, or modifying the existing ones to include your changes? If you're making your own, you need to know that you cannot have another .esp as a master file, only .esm.

So for the outfit you're going to want to modify Boone by editting him within the outfit's .esp. Same goes for the hairstyle. Use the esp provided, or only be dependant on the .esm, and not the .esp.

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Are you creating your own .esp, or modifying the existing ones to include your changes? If you're making your own, you need to know that you cannot have another .esp as a master file, only .esm.

So for the outfit you're going to want to modify Boone by editting him within the outfit's .esp. Same goes for the hairstyle. Use the esp provided, or only be dependant on the .esm, and not the .esp.


I've figured it out, thank you. But say I want to change Boones hair to something custom as well as his outfit. How out I go about doing that with two .esp files?

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