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Shotgun Animations


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I have several shotguns that I want to use in New Vegas but they use a "2handautomatic" animation style (character holds them like an assault rifle). The problem with this is that there is no shell load animation (2handrifle/Reload Y) or pump animation (2handrifle/Attack 7) as there is with the rifle grip shotguns. This means that I can only have the shotguns firing semi-auto and using an imaginary clip reload (which looks ridiculous).


I would really appreciate it if someone could help me add the 2handrifle ReloadY and Attack7 to the 2handautomatic weapon class. That way i can have the correct hand grip and lots more shotguns in the game (properly). Alternatively, if someone could simply edit one of the base 2handrifle handgrips to actually be more like a 2hand automatic grip (by bringing the trigger hand down and rotating it, per se).


I would really appreciate the help, or at least be pointed in the direction of someone who may know how to do this.



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I could do that, and i have, but it looks s*** when you go into third person mode, because the hand is all cocked up and looks like he is holding a ball on the butt of the shotgun, rather than tightly gripping the handle. I have high standards when it comes to releasing weapons and it would bug me forever if i released something with such a dodgy animation.


As far as i am aware, if you have knowledge in editing animations (which i know a few people do) editing the animation would be pretty simple.. all i need is for one of those people to be willing to take the time to help.

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