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Race Specific Werewolves


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EDIT: Wont let me add images for examples or do anything other than type and press enter, not sure what's going on so sorry.


I'm pulling my hair out right now I did write quite a bit in detail about this but my computer decided to hit back and I cant be bothered re-writing what I originally put down but the title says it all I and I think you get the general idea, basically I'm thinking...


Races of men should be true to the vanilla form and traditional werewolf appearance, plenty of fur but of different colours but in a range size, height and muscle mass. (think Van Helsing)


Imperials should have black or dark brown fur, should be of average muscle mass and height.


Nords should have white or manila fur, should be of large muscle mass and height.


Redguards should have mocha or dark burgundy fur, should be of average muscle mass and height.


Bretons should have grey or pecan fur, should be of small muscle mass and height.



Races of mer should have less fur, short fur or furless and just skin while being sinewy and with a more agile looking appearance while still have the ranges of size, height and muscle mass. (think Lupin from Harry Potter)


Altmer should have gold or yellow skin, should be the largest in height and of average muscle mass.


Dunmer should have blue/grey or purple/grey skin, should be average of muscle mass and height.


Orsimer should have green or olive skin, should be average of height but large in muscle mass.


Bosmer should have copper or red skin, should be smallest in height and muscle mass.



The Beast races should resemble there initial appearances.


Khajiit should be feline in appearance and have a pattern on there fur either of leopard or tiger in dusty colours faint browns and oranges while being of average height and muscle mass.


Argonians should be reptilian in appearance having ridges and spikes over their bodies with scales green or teal in colour, while being of average height and muscle mass.



I would love to see someone do something like this, the current mods which offer alternate werewolf skins don't do anything drastic and I think that its especially immersion breaking for anyone playing a beast or elven race and I defiantly think the elven races should be furless, resembling lupin in harry potter (not the form itself, just the skin) and it doesn't seem right that the beast races would take the default underworld style form as opposed to one more befitting them.


Not incredibly in depth but let me know what you think, its just a little something that bothers me and that's been breaking my immersion for awhile now and prevents me from experiencing playing as a werewolf.

Edited by Skudworm
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