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Mod Resources won't appear!! Help!


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Alas being the wide eyed newcomer to the modding scene (finally have a computer that can run it!) of oblivion, i have been exploring, creating, and testing various mods i have been making, just recently i have downloaded resources for the CS and none of them will appear, the resources came with no esp files to activate,(i fallowed the readme instructions) so what in gods name do i do? Help Please! downloaded things like paintings, new buildings/ re textures and the like, you know modding resources.
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i am not sure you understood what you are getting


if you look at what you have downloaded, i am sure that it is all meshes and textures, right??

if so, then you need to actually make them in the CS (make the objects using the resources)

that is as far as i understand from your question


after all, if there was no plugin to open, then the resources cannot just be found in the CS, as they have not been used yet

hence they are called resources

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Any mod that says it is a resource mod is intended for use by other mod makers in making new mods. Not by mod users who just want those items in their game. The resources must be accessed in an esp type file - which is what is created by someone making a new mod.


To use a resource, you must have the CS - construction set. and make a new mod referencing those items in your new mod.


Are you attempting to make a mod? If so, here is a link to the wiki where the instructions for beginning mod makers is located. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page

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