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Scripting Help


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Hi, I recently downloaded Kor's Vault (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1859) because I saw that he had gotten the BOS Washington Memorial Gate working. I downloaded it to see what he did and have asked for permission to use it and for some help with something more but unfortunately he hasn't replied back, but I figure it's no big deal since I am giving him full credit. Essentially, you have a terminal. Upon activating it you get two options: Open/Close the gate. The script is:


if ( GateRef.IsAnimPlaying == 0 )

GateRef.Playgroup Forward 1





if ( GateRef.IsAnimPlaying == 0 )

GateRef.Playgroup Backward 1




Basically, what I would like to know is if there is a way for a second gate to open/close at the same time, as well as having several secret doors opening and even perhaps having a klaxon activate, all activated from one function.


I would also like to know if there is a way to have the vault door control switch used in a similar fashion, activating a monument gate or even just a secret door.


Finally, I would like to know how to activate a remote opened hatch through a terminal. At the moment, my attempts to sort of macguyver my way through have only resulted in a terminal that upon activation activates the linked objects, but doesn't display any dialogue and just functions like a switch.


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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well, you need to understand how the scripts work, in order to do this


for the first question, it shouldn't be much of a problem

basically, all you have to do is add the same function for the second gate, so you will have to do the "GateRef.Playgroup Forward 1" line for both gates, but for this, you will have to get both their refs

shouldn't be much of a problem, if you have two references, each with its own variable

i am not sure this is possible, but it makes sense that it is very much possible


now, for the second question, it is just a matter of making a new switch, and scripting it right

basically, it should be an OnActive script, that opens that door\s that you want


about the third question, i really have no idea

you should read about how the terminals work, in terms of scripting

it shouldn't be too hard to understand, i guess


good luck, and i really i hope i was able to help

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you can find pretty much all the information here

just click on Block Types, and see what an OnActive means

also, there is a rather good tutorial on scripting there, so you might want to read it, and understand how it goes

and it has probably all the commands that can be used, so it's a great site, if you want to write a script but are missing a command or something


hope this is more helpful :)

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Thanks for you help, but while the site has a lot of the command functions, I'm still not sure what to do. OK, first of all I successfully managed to have two Monument Gates open. I then tried to add a secret door and linked it to the Terminal by the Activate Parents Tab and I checked the parent activate only. I gave it the Ref of SG01Ref. I also added SG01Ref.Unlock/Lock the the two options but unfortunately, the secret door opens/closes when the terminal is activated, not when the options are selected. Did I link it incorrectly, is there even a way to do what I want?
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Well, I tried just the unlock, lock command; I tried the script for the Monument Gate - but nothing seemed to work. Perhaps I'm using the wrong commands? Is there an activate command that I can use? If yes, what is the correct way to use it? Perhaps I'm just looking at this the wrong way. I need a terminal to open/close a door without being linked to it, especially since I need it to be opened by two terminals (one on each side) and therefore I can't link it except through parent activate. Any suggestions?
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