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small request for a mod that i'm doing


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I'm making a new companion mod, and I really want him to have a unique hat. What I am picturing is a newsboy hat such as this:







If someone were able to do the mesh to make this (regretfully, i haven't been able to learn meshes yet) it would be amazing. If you wanted to throw a basic denim texture onto it, that would also save me a lot of time, as I could just edit it in a few minutes. but if you're only able to do the mesh, I can manage to piece together a texture on my own sooner or later.


Thank you so much in advance, and I hope I can get this hat for my new companion!

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Beret with a shortened brim (from enclave officer's hat or ballcap) might work. Want me to mess around with it a bit?

i was thinking a beret may be a good base, if i were able to add a slight brim. But like I said, my mesh abilities are non exsistant so far, I can't even get the programs to work right :P


if you have time to tinker with it, I would greatly appreciate the help!

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