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In dialogue challenge based on stat


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Here is a post I made in another thread, regarding speech checks mainly, but it should apply ot any kind of check you want (perk, special, skill, etc.). Hope it answers your question.


NV seems to handle it differently from FO3. You don't get better odds based on your speech skill, for example. If you have the speech for it, you succeed, or else you fail, and it tells you what you need, and when it's applicable. You will never not know there was a speech option because your speech was too low... if that makes sense.


So how I have handled this is when I want there to be a speech, barter, etc.. check, I make the topic and give it 1 topic (or however many apply) in the choices box. That topic has 2 responses - 1 for if the player's speech is high enough, 1 for if it isn't, with the conditions set appropriately. It seems to work the same for a perk, like Ladykiller, and automatically inserts the [speech] or [Lady Killer] text in the topic, as long as you chose it from the dropdown boxy on your response. The Easy, Very Easy, etc.. options don't seem to apply if you want to keep your speech challenges "NV Style".


This is how I understand it, I have not dug that much into how vanilla does it, because frankly it is all disorganized and hard to sort through. But the results seem to be the same the way I'm doing it.


Hope that helps and that you don't have to read it more than three times for it to make sense.

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  • 4 years later...

If you want to use a skill like Lady Killer to dialogue in FO3, add a condition, on the dialogue, of "HasSkill" that is set to "Target", not the standard "Subject". Then where it says INVALID, find the skill.

If you want to use a SPECIAL stat, add a condition of "GetActorValue" set to "Target" and put the stat where INVALID is. Then, you can put in the value [1-10]. You should use a >= or <= instead of ==, unless they need an exact match, because == 7 will not show up on someone with 8, 9, or 10; despite being higher than the requirement.

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