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Looking for some mods


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I am looking for some mods. Below is what I want each mod to do.


Wildlife Mod

I would like to find a mod that adds wildlife to the world of Cyrodiil. (i.e., forests, roads, etc.) I am looking for such immersive mods that put foxes, spiders, rabbits, squirrels, etc. in the forest and other places. I tried Natural Environments and ran into trouble there.


Quest Mod

I am looking for quest mods that will keep me immersed in the game for hours. I do not mind not haing quest markers but would prefer them Either that or at least a hint so I will not get stuck.



I am looking for some companions who will be fun, maybe have a storyline, and perhaps even romance with them. I am currently plaing Vilja and Viconia. Any other good ones out there?


Any help in these matters would greatly appreciated. Also, I have a mod which apparently is causing some problems. I took screenshots of the problems but don not know which mod it belongs to. I disabled my mods and the problem was still existent. I have included the a screenshot and wonder if anyone knows it belongs to? The place is called Trilobite Excavation Site.

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Wildlife Mods

Natural Wildlife v1.3, makes animals behaves more realistically and adds large scrips providing immersive behavior

Quest Mods

Tears of the Fiend, Ruin-Tails Tale, Malevolence (All three by Simyaz) (Wait a couple months and my own quest mod will be out)


Tears of the Fiend, Ruin-Tails Tale, Cm Partners, Companion share and recruit

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