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Being a vampire causing "double hair" glitch


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Same bug as this guy from two years ago, but his fix is not applicable: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1073185-vampire-transfomation-causing-hair-glitch/


He fixed it by disabling Real Raceheights, but I don't have that mod. In my case, I'm 99% sure it's being caused by this obscure (i.e. not really supported or troubleshooted) custom race mod I'm using


Specifically, as a vampire, the default #1 default vanilla appears on my character, and I can do nothing about it. When I pick different hairstyles in racemenu, it just stacks with it, and the game shows both hair models. The glitched hair even shows through helmets. It does go away when I cure vampirism.


I'm not expecting a definitive answer but I'm hoping you guys can give me an inkling of what I should be looking for in tes5edit.



Edit: Solved! Forgot about this a while ago and came back to it yesterday. Turns out the mod creator had copied the normal race for the vampire version and didn't make all the necessary changes. Basically, the normal race references hair, eyebrows, mouth, etc... and the vampire race isn't supposed to reference hair or eyebrows! I guess I might have been getting double eyebrows as well but I didn't really notice. I just deleted the hair and eyebrow references and it works now.

Edited by rayzorium
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