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After oblivion


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In my opinion, Morrowind is a better game than Oblivion, especially with good mods. I remember at one time I had maybe 200 mods installed on my install on an old p4 machine with a geforce 3; how the poor machine survived that and oblivion I do not know. Just do not blow off a game because of its graphics; some of the best games ever made have some of the crappiest graphics, but yet I still play them because they are so darn good. Examples are Final fantasy 3 (the one mislabeled as 6), final fantasy 7, Crono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wizardry 8 and of course Morrowind.


Oblivion also has it's own mods as well, and some very good ones as well. The mod Tears of the Fiend is an exremely good story/companion based mod for Oblivion, and it's on my recommend list.

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Actually i found a good game, borderlands . I like it quiet nicely,

i can understand that you like older games like morrowind, i like halflife too but i recently bought a new system with a good vga before i had to play with my x360 because my pc was a p4 with a x1600 pro (a classic system lol). So i really like my graphics good for the moment.



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