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[WIP] [Request] Falasmaryon Reloaded


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This is some sort of log book to keep check of my progress on my current WIP mod: Falasmaryon Reloaded.

See my fresh Tumblr if you want regular updates.

I apologize for the dark screenshots. these were taken from the creation kit with the light switches turned off.

Sorry for the segmented and sometimes incoherent writings. I'm typing this at 4 AM.

The concept of Falasmaryon is something I've conceived, thrown away, reconceived, changed, and reconceived again. There has been many changes in the ideas of what would compose the mod overtime. The first mod I had released was a demo preview I had made back then to demonstrate the general outlay of the house mod, and comparing it to my work now, it will pretty much be unrecognizable.


So what's a Falasmaryon ?

The name comes from an old Dunmer fortress in TES3: Morrowind, quite fitting name to describe a dark elf stone fort. But the similarity ends here. Falasmaryon is nothing close to a medieval looking stronghold filled with sixth house worshippers.

The house mod is in fact, a relatively big bunker located inside the mountains of Skyrim, close to an underground watercave system.

Greatly inspired from Bioshock designs, the house's particularity revolves around often anachronic technologies powering the dome, more than unfit for the Tamriel Universe. But worry not, I got everything covered with the "ancient lost dwemer magick!" excuse.

Hell, you'll find familiar urban items such as a jokebox aptly named "Bard Vault" or a nice motorbike that is actually a "Mechnostead". Of course none of these creations aesthetically stand out of the game as they're often collages of various dwemer themed statics to form the rough shape.



Back to the impossibly advanced technology part, you'll find holographic generators, aetherium-powered false nightskies for your bedroom, and the most important part: A hecklot of aquariums. Not the furniture type. Rather, they will be comprised as windows or walls giving you a sense of depth indoors. They're all unique in shapes as well as I took the time to carefully design each and every of them. Because I did lack models, you'll be surprised to see that the only type of fish living in underwater caves are salmons of all sizes. If any of you have custom animated sealife models to share, you would do me a great favor.

In the current making of the house, I wanted to keep 3 big principles clear: Ease of access from one room to another and reduced loading time despite the cells being filled with bajillions of details. My 3rd wish was the use of unique architecture and design to keep the player unfamiliar with the environement and make sure the house stands out from other housing mods in some ways. the 2 first principles were attained by using an elevator system with buttons leading to each rooms, greatly reducing the time the player would have to take to travel between them.

Amongst the important rooms you'll find:

-The Penthouse. Where you and your favorite companions sleep. There are 2 bedrooms and both of them have artificial night sky view from the bed itself, giving a huge contrast to the aquarium windows right next to them. I was afraid it wouldn't mix out well but the end result was very satisfying.



-The Library: or Hall of Arcana. This is where all the magick happens. The library design is heavily inspired on castlevania's respective library stages. I wanted to give the feeling of unending rows of shelves filled with various books, leaving the impression that you could spend the rest of your time "harvesting" knowledge in there. If you look up you'll be able to see constellations with the help of the magic astrolabe dome.




-The Hall of War: this one is still WIP. Contains all the smith amenities including leatherworking. It will be in the shape of a drop, the center being a temple with a view up another huge aquarium and a giant, frozen sword in the middle.

-The Stone Church: WIP. Apparently a sunken akaviri temple. What is it doing deep inside the mountain halls of Skyrim ? The previous owner rebuilt it as a fancy pub. Most of your extra companions can have smaller personnal rooms there. Also the biggest aquarium window extending over roughly 100 in-game meters (328 feet).

-Balmora's Bath house: WIP. Sphere shaped glass room with an intricate fountain in the middle and view on space, of courrrrse. I love designing these.

-Hanging Gardens: WIP. Only exterior cell of the mod to limitate conflict with others. Though it's location being nearly unreachable by normal means, it shouldn't be a problem.

-The Treasury: WIP. Custom artifact stocking furnitures will be available there as well as a war room to prepare your next adventure.

That's about it. The mod will be pretty much fully functionnal once the Hall of War will be completed, so that's when I'll probably release it.

So why am I posting about my shitty mod here in the forums when I can't even announce a proper release date ?

See, my allergy to scripting is crippling.

I need some volunteers to write out simple scripts such as one that allows an activator to make a static hidden or reveal it at whim. Another one would be the ability to turn a monster (ex: mother wisp) into a bartering/conversing NPC, and last but not least, some cool auto-sorting script would be nice...

Obviously I'm demanding a lot here. That is why if you have the will to code these on papyrus or are really kind hearted, I would welcome any form of help in that domain.


Many of the custom assets you see in the screenshots were from other modders obtained either with their permissions or as free to use resources. I will add the full list of credits once the first part of the mod is released. Right now I'm not sure I'll be using all of them.

Really hope you'll like it as it is my first full public mod release.

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