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Good Evening.


As I saw the First Time Marts Mutant Mod. I was thinking about an old facility e.g. "Facility for Biological Research and Experimenting" where you get infected by FEV.

Now I read all the requests of being mutated into a deathclaw or a supermutant, but what about to be mutated into a creature wich is a human-animal being and not a whole abomination. This of course could be added later on as a possible Use of the Facility.


At first I was thinking about the facility and how it could fit into the Fallout universe:


This facility could be the first one, in which scientists experimented with FEV on animals to see what results would be noticed and how usefull those would be in a war against china.

Through those experiments the scientists noticed no big effect at first, but after combining blood probes from the animals with human DNA the results were very significant.


The Probands mutated slowly but continuous into creatures which loosing more and more selfcontrol and became more aggressive beasts. After those results they deside to create the "injector". Before the War started the injector was finished and ready for poor humans espacially those who searched this facility after the Great War for everything usable.


So far to the story I know it should be extended but this is only a request or a first idea behind something more, perhaps.


Now the ingame Scenery as it is described looks mostly as a lab like vault 87 lab wing but more cleaner because we do not have here any humans left after the "shutdown". In the inner lab is the injector, there I thought about a cutscene where you laydown because of narcosis gases which flooding the Injector Room and then you see that the injector starting to work, like in the cutscene right after you were beamed into the mothership.


As you awake you lie in a Cell and you have to escape the facility at the same escape the player recognises some advances in his or her abilities and skills which depends on the animal you "chosen" before, by reading different logs and activate the machine.

After you get out the real run, against or with, the mutation beginns, because the mutation is getting stronger and it changes someone with every radiation level. If you reach 1000 rad's you're no longer yourself only another abomination in the wasteland. So you have to find the antidote which you can find somewhere in the wasteland.


And to make it more interressting if you're character reaches a radiation level he or she will mutate a bit more, but if you use radaway it will temporarily nomore seen. Now what counts is the count of reaches the change of appearance will be than no longer "reparable".

Your Skills and Abilities will also Change every rad level a bit.


Now that would be my idea or request in a real prealpha version of course.


I beg your pardon for every grammar mistake.

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love it. first thing we need to look at is classic horror. Mutating into vampires (see the book I Am Legend for a good scientific model), Werewolves, creating life from various parts through a sort of Alchemy. this would be great.
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