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Skyrim is crashing when i select continue because of "Problems"


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As said in the title, the game wont crash after the logo, but the moment i select continue. The game crashes, and my only given reason is because of "Problems" I have launched with and without SKSE. I also disabled all mods and tried.

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Check if it will happen when you start a new game too ? If yes, I had a similar issue a while ago and it was a wrong skyrimprefs.ini value. Backup your ini files, the RendererInfo too.

Delete all three files and let the game generate new ones. You must adjust your graphical settings and tweaking the ini files again tough. If it not helps you can copy your backup files over the new ones again.

Edited by Osmanli
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Have you tried refreshing your ini files too ? If not, check it out please. another advice i can give you is to try the cleaning tools.






If you have done any save backups of your current character try to find a save which will load correctly, this will ensure that its mod related. After that you need to deactivate any character, NPC or game overhaul mods one by one to find the mod that prevent your save to load.

I would also say an animation or character mod. A load order via pastebin ( http://pastebin.com/ ) would be helpful.

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