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ZIM: A Mothership Zeta Follower Mod


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Sorry about that! I was without my comp for a while! I'm back though! I'm still willing to work on this mod if everyone else still is. Again, I'm not much help with actually making the mod, but I'm good with planning and writing.


Oh, and good news! I've finally reached the point where I embark on Mothership Zeta. Now I can MUCH more accurately plan this mod due to knowing what MZ is like. I'll write down the dialogue ideas whenever they hit me as I play.


Okay, to dispel some things here and there:


1. Apparel

Well, as a species set to "Creature", Zim wouldn't be able to wear any apparel or equipment. Only weapons. But like I said, if anyone's willing to make a unique texture for his jumpsuit, I'm all for that, but it's not necessary. If we want to give him any accessories, it'd have to be a mesh and texture edit unique to Zim. I'm thinking a DBZ Saiyan eye scanner-like device, and possibly a Pipboy-like wrist device. Perhaps like Leela's from Futurama? We're missing some Futurama references. X3


2. Weapons

My original idea was for Zim to wield a non-playable Alien Disintegrator and a non-player Shock Baton as his default firearm and melee weapon. I'm not sure about unique weapons for him, but if we've got a modder willing to work on something like that, that's just all the better!


3. Voice

My original envisioning was kind of a feeble, shaky voice, on the higher end of the pitch scale. The second one is good, but I don't like the echo. The third one is the best so far, and we could probably use it for the final draft if we took out a bit more of the echo. As for voice tone, I'll specificy in the dialogue scripts what emotion Zim is using to fuel that particular line. Despite being an alien, he's pretty emotive. In regular dialogue, I'm thinking he's more humble, polite, and civilized, but he tends to let lose in battle, leading to most of his battle dialogue to sound angry. I'll probably write it in that Zim learned the English earth tongue from written artifacts and audio logs, so we can probably use alien gibberish for some of his battle lines. Does that alien gibberish generator do angry alien sounds, like from some of the abductee interrogation logs?


Oh! By the way! I need some help with the battle dialogue. Specifically, I need to know how many different lines to write for each battle situation. I know that most NPCs have different dialogue for "idly walking around" and "searching for enemies" situations. I just need to know what those different situations are and how many different lines to write for each one. I've checked the Wiki, but no luck.


4. Tag Skills

Say, um... I'm a bit confused by something. I heard from a modder once that "Creature" NPCs can't have Tag Skills. But when I checked the Wiki, both Fawkes and RL-3 have five Tag Skills. Are Fawkes and RL-3 exceptions to Creatures not having Tag Skills? And is there a way we can give Zim tag skills? Specifically, I'm thinking Energy Weapons, Medicine, and Science. If five is the only option, then Big Guns and Melee Weapons along with those three. I'm just not sure if aliens can equip non-alien weapons. There may be animation restrictions, like Super Mutants being unable to use Power Fists.


5. SPECIAL stats

Let me know if this looks right for Zim's SPECIAL stats.

Strength - 1

Perception - 8

Endurance - 2

Charisma - 2 (not many people find aliens charming, aye?)

Intelligence - 10

Agility - 6

Luck - 7 (doctor's precision gives him high critical hit chance)

Any suggestions on making it better? I wanted to go for "realistic for a doctor alien, but not so weak where he'll get killed constantly".


6. Perks

I'm not sure, but... Can NPCs have Perks? Or are they only useable by the player? I heard mention of a mod giving Butch the Fortune Finder and Scrounger perks, so... is it possible? And even if it is, can Perks be given to Creatures? If so, I may have some Perks in mind for Zim... Finesse would go well with his doctor's precision, for example.


7. Essential Flag

As I mentioned, I wanted Zim to be set as essential during the plot of Mothership Zeta, but the essential setting can be toggled in his dialogue once he's a follower. But I was thinking that, instead of a "settings" menu, we could explain the essential setting as being one of Zim's pieces of technology on his person. You know, like some sort of "Alien Auto-Defibralator" that the player can ask Zim to turn off or on. Thoughts? I'm trying to think of what kind of device it would be...


8. Force Field

Say, would it be possible to equip Zim with a force field to boost his weak alien DR? I haven't encountered them yet, but I think I heard mention on the Wiki once of Alien force field equipment used by the hostile aliens of MZ.


9. Summoned Drone

Yeah, I remember now. Sasha Ashe and Psi Piscium from the 187 Gurlz mod are capable of summoning a temporary ally. I think it'd be cool if we could set up Zim to be able to summon an Alien Drone as a temporary ally. Just an idea, but I'm sure we could get by without it in the final version.


Just a reminder! This mod will NOT be using Follower mod short-cuts such as Sharing & Caring Companions, CMF's Pet Script, or RR Companions Vault. Don't let the mention of the 187 Gurlz mod lead you to belief such shortcuts will be allowed.


10. Humor

Hey, c'mon. The Fallout series is notorious for slipping in bits of humor here and there. Just because it's a bit scarce in Fallout 3 doesn't mean we can't slip some in here and there, right? I mean, look at the Wild Wasteland Trait from New Vegas. That Trait makes me want to equip and unequip the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion over and over again just to see the little disco posing. X3


Actually, I'd love a Pimp-Boy 3 Billion equivalent in a mod for Fallout 3... That gold plating is just epic. <3

Edited by Cyberweasel89
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Just so I'm not bumping, it's time for an update.


I've finally finished playing Mothership Zeta! I saw the force field things on the Aliens. Is there any way we can put a Force Field on Zim so it's always boosting his defense, but it visibly disappears outside of battle?


Also, I settled on an initial design for Zim. I wanna use the model of the Alien in the white jumpsuit with the red boots and black collar, but no helmet. If it helps clarify, the white jumpsuit has red trim. Still, if anyone is willing to make a texture or mesh edit, I'm all for it. But that model should do if no one makes one.


And finally, I've got some of the dialogue script written.


Where Zim is found

Wandering around the nook to the far left of the player’s holding cell, where you find Alien Captive Recorded Logs 14, 15, and 22.


Player - 0

Talk – Open Dialogue



(fearful) “Cease hostilities, please! I am of your faction!”


Player - 1

Option 1: "What? A alien that doesn’t want us dead?"

Option 2: "Give me one reason I shouldn’t kill you."



(fearful) “I am not your enemy! I am on your side. I can help you escape!”


Player - 2

Option 1: Why would you help us escape?

Option 2: Oh, this should be rich. Let’s hear it.



(explaining humbly) “My name is Zim, and I am a doctor on the crew of this starcraft. You may have trouble believing this, but I do not approve of what my people are doing to the Earthlings! I wish to help you escape!”


Player - 3

Option 1: Well... I guess we could use some help. You’re in.

Option 2: Fine, come with us. But I’ll have my eye on you.

Option 3: Hell no. I’m not trusting some space quack.


Zim (option 3)

(sadly) “That is regrettable. Rest assured, I shall not impede your escape. However, I shall not hesitate to defend myself should you assault me.”

<end dialogue, Zim in sandbox mode. If talked to again, will ask “Have you changed your mind, perhaps?” and lead to dialogue list 3. If attacked, will become permanentely hostile>


Zim (options 1 or 2)

(happily) “Many expressions of gratitude! You shall not regret this. Might you have any brief questions first?”


Player - 4

Option 1: What is this place?

Option 2: Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

Option 3: Think you could help us get through here?

Option 4: Let’s get going!


Zim (option 1)

(explaining humbly) “This is Mothership Zeta, as we have designated it in the Earth tongue. We are a starship sent to survey and monitor planet Sol 3, known to you as Earth, and perform horrid experiments on its people. I have deep regrets over what has transpired on this starship.”

(return to dialogue list 4)


Zim (option 2)

(politely) “There will be time for that later. For now, please just call me Zim.”

(return to dialogue list 4)


Zim (option 3)

(politely) “I shall try to explain things as they become relevant. For now, just know that devices with a blue holographic field are switches and activation mechanisms, while devices with orange holographic fields are entrances and exits. The blue mechanisms nearby hold some of our recordings from past and present abducted earthlings. I’m sure activating them will transmit a copy to your wrist-mounted personal computer device.”

(return to dialogue list 4)


Zim (option 4)

(urgently) “Of course! Lead the way, please!”


<Zim in follow mode: When engaged, will only give float dialogue “We must make haste!” (urgently)>


Approaching the healing archway (float dialogue)


(explaining) “That is a Model 42 Medi-Glow Arch. It will heal your wounds as you pass under it. The sensation is pleasantly soothing, I must say. At least, for my people, it is.”


Safe Zone - Engineering Core Cryostasis Pods (first visit)

(opening dialogue after pods open - Zim expresses regret that he couldn't have saved the astronaut)

* Ask about Items and Tech


-Crystals (Alien currency)


-Ammo difference (Cells vs. Modules)

-Worm and Squid Food




* Ask about Engineering Core ("Where are we?" - Opens up location questions sub-menu)

-Cryo Storage

-Robot Assembly


-Maintenance Level

-Engine Room

-Cargo Hold

* Ask about Abductees (opens up character questions sub-menu)



-Elliot Tercorien


-Toshiro Kago (understands him a little and knows where sword is)


* Offer doctor services

-Full Limb and HP heal (10 Large Crystals or 20 Small Crystals)

-Radiation Cure (5 Large Crystals or 10 Small Crystals)

-Addiction Purge (15 Large Crystals or 30 Small Crystals)

* Ask for repair services

-(Zim: My apologies. I am a doctor, not a mechanic. I believe Ms. Sohma has suitable skills. Why not check with her if your equipment requires maintenance?)

* Trade crystals for supplies - Large = 2 Small = 1

-Alien Biogel (2 Large or 4 Small = 1 Biogel)

-Alien Worm Food (1 Large or 2 Small = 1 Worm)

-Alien Squid Food (1 Large or 2 Small = 1 Squid)

-Alien Epoxy (3 Large or 6 Small = 1 Epoxy)

-Alien Power Module (1 Large or 2 Small = 10 Modules)

-Suggestions for possible Earth items Zim can trade the player?


Zim Follower Status

* Engineering Core: Will wander about with the other abductees. Can open dialogue for doctor services, trading, and questions.

* Cryo Storage: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. It's Elliot's time to shine.

* Robot Assembly: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. It's Sohma's call to order.

* Hangar: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. It's Paulson's turn for action.

* Maintenance Level: Zim remains in the Engineering Core. Sally guides the player here.

* Engine Room: Zim can accompany the player through this area if asked.

* Cargo Hold: Zim can accompany the player through this area if asked.



(Entering Cargo Hold)

Zim (float dialogue)

“-Excited Alien gibberish-“

“Ah, my apologies. When I was not busy treating patients, I would often spend quite a lot of time here, studying the Earth artifacts. It was my off-time here that taught me the Earthen tongue. I must admit, I developed quite a fondness for the many mysterious objects we salvaged from your planet. I just wish I was privy to what most of them are supposed to do.”


(After return to the Engineering Core with Drone Control Device in hand)

*Ask Zim about

-Drone Control Device ("What's this thing?")


(After completing the Engine Room or Cargo Hold with Zim, back in the Engineering Core)

*Ask Zim about his people.

-Home Planet



-Bathrooms (or lack thereof)



-Zeta's Mission (Abomination foreshadowing FTW!)


(After completing the Cargo Hold or Engine Room with Zim, with the other completed as well)

*Ask Zim about himself.

-Real Name






-Speech ("How come you speak English so well?")

-Personality ("Why are you so different from the other aliens?")

-Reason ("Why are you helping us escape?")

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if you have plans to expand upon trhe species as a whole I reccomend you consider working with Nylonathathep more directly? This is just an idea to make it mesh better with Mothership Zeta Crew as I beleive Nylonathathep has his own backstory for the Aliens. Or consider talking to Slicer51b to collaborate witht he rest of the MZC Team.
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Sorry, forgot about this.

I'm still willing to do a texture edit; just tell me what you'd like.

And I like the dialogue for the most part, but please try to find something other than the word "Faction". It just doesn't seem to fit--plus, for modders, it's a reminder that this is, y'know, a mod.

I'd also suggest some buffy-speak, as it fits in with his personality. Not too much, but a little.


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Whenever you need more voice samples and such, maybe to perfect the format or something, let me know, I'll get on it directly. I really like the dialog so far...


EDIT: @tnu: I've already been assigned as the voice actor...

Edited by Jay33721
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm... I thought "I am of your faction" sounded a bit more eloquent than "I'm on your side". But I admit using a modder's term is a bad idea. I'll have to change that.


Not sure about the Buffy Speak. Zim's got quite a vocabulary for speaking English as a second language. But I suppose it's possible he may not know what certain Earth items are called.


Player: "Where'd Sohma find that Combat Shotgun?"

Zim: "Her what? Oh, you are referring to her Earth firearm."


Hmm... I might contact the guys who made Mothership Zeta Crew, then. I'd like this mod to have a version compatible with their's at some point in the future.


For the record, this mod isn't dead. I just don't have many updates during the writing of the script. Plus, I still have unanswered questions, like tag skills for Zim, perks for creatures, and how many lines of battle dialogue to make for each situation, as well as how many situations there are.


I will give a teaser, though... there's a super-secret reason that Zim's helping the abductees escape, but Zim won't reveal what it is, even if asked, until after Mothership Zeta is completed. Yay for small plot twists!

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