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Gray Cowl of Nocturnal missing texture


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I've tried archive invalidation, removing custom meshes, and nothing works. I don't know why. Removing the mesh just makes the cowl disappear altogether, instead of just be textureless. I can't really provide any more information than that, but I am using OOO, qarl's texture pack, and UOP. Can anyone tell me how I can return to the vanilla mesh and texture of this helmet?


Nevermind. Ran BSA uncorrupter and it fixed it.


Edit: Now, annoyingly, I'm missing some spell icons. For conjuration spells and absorb health, from what I can tell so far. Uncorrupting my BSAs does nothing. Wasn't having ANY of these problems before I downloaded the OOO patch for 1.33.


Even after downloading a spell icon replacer




They're still gone. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Why me?


Edit: turns out it was Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.ESM and the associated .esp. Guess I won't be using that patch. :S

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