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Constantly Crashing all of a Sudden! Can Anybody Help?!?

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Hi. This is my first post here on this forum. I've been a diehard fan of Fallout 3 and NV for years on the PS3, and upon getting Fallout withdrawal and getting into the games again, a friend suggested I get the PC versions which are more stable, and also customizable with mods. But with no experience with mods I've run into some problems. I've tried to figure my own way out of it to save making a new thread but after all the stuff I've tried I think I need some help. I'll try to keep it as short but detailed as possible.


So I ended up dual-booting Windows 7 (yeuch...) on my Macbook Pro, and used MotionJoy to map my PS3 control to the game (I don't want to faff around with Q's, W's and trackpad clicks), and then streamed the audio and video to my tv, just like I was playing a console version. I had a careful look at all the mods I wanted and needed, and used FOMM to put them together. I used FNVEdit to make a merge mod, but all that seemed to do was take a seemingly working game and give some characters bright flourescent pink faces. So I started again from scratch adding all my mods back in and figuring out the order I should put them in. I've tried using BOSS which doesn't seem to give me any errors but I'm not sure exactly what it's telling me. I've got all the way to Nipton before having any issues.


I started a new game with all my mods working, did the main Goodsprings quests, got Delilah (mod) tagging along, and then picked up Niner (mod) wanting to put 200-year-old fuel in his 200-year-old bike (good luck with that...). He does his random s***, leading me to the Yangtze Memorial (after taking me right past it and almost into Deathclaw country first). I take the two of them to Primm and do the initial quests there and still no problems. I then go back to Goodsprings with the stuff I needed to bribe Vanessa (mod) to come with me. I get to the abandoned tent on the way to the Mojave Outpost to find that Willow (mod) is a gigantic neon exclamation sign. Archive Invalidation wasn't making a difference to this, but I eventually found that removing the FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp fixed it (still leaving the FCO - Willow.esp working).


So I had her tagging along too and took all four of them to the Mojave Outpost. Niner does some more of his weird s**t, dressing up as NCR and doing something with some glue that I still haven't figured out yet. Once he's done we all head off to Nipton, but this is where the first problems arose. At about the point where you encounter those two nut jobs killing each other for star caps, the game just kept crashing. I eventually got past this to Nipton, but the crashes still keep occuring maybe two minutes into gameplay. I thought it may be all the companions I had with me at once so I sent all of them home except Niner, but this didn't help. I also got rid of a few mods that I hadn't encountered yet and wasn't too fussed about but this didn't help either. So I go back to pick all the companions up again, and then completely reinstall my entire mod list in FOMM from scratch again. This has helped a tiny bit, but I'm still getting crashes every few minutes, especially with fast travel, loading screens and entering new areas. On one of these crashes I got the "Out of memory" error (but only the once).


My hardware specs:

Late 2012 MacBook Pro dual-booted with Windows 7

2.9GHz QWuad Core i7, which automatically boosts up to 3.6Ghz when it can (though I don't know if it would do this in Window too)

8GB DDR3 (1066MHz I think) RAM


Although my load order may have been slightly different before, it doesn't seem to have made a difference. Here's the complete order:












IWR.esm (Invisible Wall Remover)

FOOK - New Vegas.esm

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm

NVStripOpen.esm (removes doors between casinos)

Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm (btw this gives 404 error when selecting in MCM)

Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm

Run the Lucky 38.esm


Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp (marked as esm)

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp (marked as esm)

NVWillow.esp (marked as esm)


FNVD_Ritas_Cafe.esm (Ritas Cafe in Freeside)


New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm

Gomorrah Redesigned.esp (marked as esm)

IWR - Rebuilt.esp

populatedcasino.esp (puts more NPC's in casinos)


NewVegasStripOverhaul.esp (cleans up the strip)

50sFFFLVJOD-Freeside.esp (overhauls Freeside)

New Vegas Trade Centre.esp (in Freeside)

The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp

FOOK - New Vegas.esp

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp

XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp

Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp

Project Nevada - All DLC.esp

Rusty Highways.esp (adds more cars to roads)

Loot Vehicles.esp

ASG.esp (can't remember what this is)

FCO - Niner.esp

FCO - Willow.esp

Unlimited Companions.esp (allows up to 6 - didn't install the update for 12 maximum)



Buck's Place.esp (extra casino)


FOOK-PN Convergence.esp

FCO - GlowingOne.esp

FCO - FOOK-PN Convergence.esp

FCO - Delilah.esp

Freeside Food & Supplies.esp

Freeside Junkers Store.esp


LadderRestorationProject.esp (adds ladders to towers)



Lucky 38 Balcony.esp

mycasino.esp (can't remember exactly what this does)

Mojave Rooftops.esp (adds ladders to larger buildings)


FNVD_Ritas_Cafe_ESM_Helper.esp (patch for Rita's Cafe)

The Lucky 38 Empire.esp


Vault Diner & Casino.esp


New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp (update for 2.9 version)

Cass alternate version.esp


Can anybody help figure out why the game has spontaneously started having these crashes when it was working fine up until Nipton. I don't know if I'm using too many of the wrong mods or if my order is off (I think it may be now, but it was in a neater order until after the crashes started and I built them all back up which seemed to make the game like 1% more stable. I could get rid of a couple of the big ones, but I don't want to if it turns out that they weren't the problem. I also have NV crash protector installed in NVSE. And yes, I have both 4GB NV and stutter remover running.


In case it gives any clues, one weird glitch it has is two Boxcars in that store in Nipton. It's like one is standing on the other's shoulders, but they both share the same inventory.

Another thing is that in FOMM when I open the Package Manager it gives me an Invalid Archive window giving a read error for 'Fallout Character Overhaul-54460-2-3-1.fomod' It didn't the first time it was installed, but i've had it every time since I installed it the second time before I started my game.


Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Nightwingvyse
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  • 3 months later...

Hi their.
So i spent the last 3 days on and off figuring out my problem b/c I am running New Vegas Redesigned 3. I know that this is what is making my game go all wonky with crashes,(because I spent some time with my nmm and when i uninstalled this my game worked perfectly fine) and I just worked out all the bugs FINALLY :laugh:.... I thought I did but I started to crash entering any casino so here is what I did. MAKE SURE all FOC files are disabled, As well as Gomorrah Redesigned.esp (this is what caused my game to freeze when entering casinos) and make sure New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp (update for 2.9 version) is the last thing that loads so put it under Cass alternate version.esp.
My opinion:
I had
NV anti crash its still on my list but i uninstalled it.
I don't have the crash protector in my NVSE.
I load my game from 4GB NV but don't have stutter remover.
So my suggestion is uninstall NV Redesigned and FO Character Overhaul boot up your game and do some things that were crashing your game. This was the only thing that was making the game crash for ME and I don't have a giant list of mods so, I had an easier time checking my list but from what you described that was happening to you was what was happening to me. the install order of those mods should go like this:

1. FO character Overhaul ( I clicked every option i could get and then just turned off the FOC file.)
2. FO Char. Overhaul patch eye fix.
New Vegas Redesigned 3 2.9 (over write ALL files)
New Vegas Redesigned 3.0 (same as above)
New Vegas Redesigned 3 .esp should ALWAYS BE at the bottom of your load order even if mod managers tell you other wise and a recap all FOCs turned off same with Gomorrah Redesigned you should be golden keep in mind you can't move NVR3.esm any further down then it will let you but keep it the last one if that makes sense.

Also if your using a ENB that might have caused you a problem with the out of memory notice you got, if your card only has 2 gigs of Vram and the enb is set for 3 gigs you might get that i don't know never tried to go over but i have a 4 gig card so its not a issue for me. LAST BUT NOT LEAST try LOOT very very useful tool it will let you know what mods you have are conflicting with each other. From my experience with it i don't let it sort my mods tho I like to do it by myself.
good luck hope this helps.

Edited by Jermee453
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