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Anyway to fix the broken reload animation for some guns

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Some of the reload animation are somewhat broken and only noticeable in third person, with the movement animations being a bit weird for a few seconds after reloading. In some cases if I use VATS after reloading certain weapons, my character will become frozen in the reloading animation forcing me to reload a save.


The weapons are:

  • 357 Magnum/Lucky
  • Cowboy Repeater/ La Lounge Carbine
  • Brush Gun
  • Trial Carbine
  • Lever Action Shotgun
  • Hunting Shotgun/Diner Bell

Notice it's the guns that require the gun to loaded manually with one bullet at a time or can interrupt the reload animation by firing.


Additional note, I'm using TTW and the FO3 Repeaters don't suffer from this.

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Nope, I'm afraid it's completely unfixable, a flaw in the way that hacky system was made.


"Additional note, I'm using TTW and the FO3 Repeaters don't suffer from this"


The repeaters in FO3 and added in TTW do not have interruptible/shell by shell reload anims.


That said you shouldn't have to load a save to fix it, just unequip the gun and it'll reset.


Take care.

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