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charliemim - BANNED

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charliemim banned.



First off, to EVERYONE OTHER THAN EARACHE42, BOO-the f*#@-HOO.


He made the mod. He can remove it. You SHOULD be mad at the little clownshoe that pissed Ear Ache off in the first place. I demand a new release with all vanilla ghouls re-skinned as the aforementioned ungrateful tard and named "Feral Naggert", "Glowing Troll", "Irradiated Dipshit", etc.


Seriously. You don't already have this mod? Too bad! You aren't that hardcore of a nexus nut then, are you? You snooze you lose? Maybe if just some of these supposed thousands of adoring Ear Ache fans had put the little troll in it's place... Maybe then 42 wouldn't feel the need to do it himself.


Anyways... Thanks for the sick-ass guns, man. You're a legend.


Naggert... It's name is f*#@ing NAGGERT, people. Would TROLLGERT be more or less noticeable?


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