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Spineless character when holding specific weapons...


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Okay, well since "spineless" could be confusing, my character basically moves in strange and extreme ways, like he has no spine to keep him upright, it only happens when I'm holding my modded guns in my hands, everything is fine when using melee weapons or when the guns are holstered, but if I go to use them, it all goes to hell, and then goes back to normal if I re-holster them. It's confusing and frustrating because I can't play the game when I can't shoot straight.


At first I thought it might be a body mod that was doing it so, I reinstalled all character meshes and that didn't work, so I'm at a loss for ideas, I have no idea what could be causing this to happen.

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The load order was just FalloutNV.esm and my mod, which I can't release because I have no permissions for what I used to make it. I'll try and reduce the file sizes of the images I took so I can upload them.
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Well, it's a bunch of different things, I made weapons, armor, a house, various tweaks to game settings like Lockpicking, pick-pocket chances, karma. I made companions essential, added recipes for various things.
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This is a new problem as well, I used to be able to play fine with these items before the latest patch. Other weapons that were modded into the game work fine as well, it only seems to be my weapons.
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Not that I'm seeing. When I made them I made sure to duplicate the item I was using as a base, I only touched the models and icons in regards to the weapon themselves. I did change one of them, the one in the image to use a burst shot, which the original, which was the 12.7mm Sub-Machine Gun didn't have.



Looking over all the items I made, none of them have changed animations from the items I used as a base.




I also made Melee weapons, but this doesn't occur with them, which I'm finding odd as well, why is it happening with guns but not melee? Not that I want the problem to be compounded or anything...

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