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This is really annoying


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Not that I've heard of. From what I can tell it's a physics settling problem. It isn't really a "bug", per se, but this happens all the time in games that have physics. The problem is that the "object", in this case the tail, has a complex shape with no "clear" center of gravity, and the physics calculation is getting screwed up because the game can't find a center of weight, when you factor in other aspects that change the shape of the object on the fly, such as wind and other outside forces. The "flapping" effect comes from the game rapidly recalculating the center of gravity as the object is being deformed when it impacts or is impacted by the other forces.


TL;DR: This is more a symptom of physics calculations on deformable objects. The only way to mod around it would be to either mod the object to make it more rigid, or to mod the physics engine (if thats even possible) to allow for more "settling time" when calculating external forces besides gravity on deformable objects.




**EDIT: It occurs to me that you may simply be talking about the fact that the Khajiit is actually performing the "wagging" animation that it would normally do while still alive. In that case, what you're seeing is definitely a bug, probably a race condition occurred in which the wagging animation was fired just prior to it being flagged as dead, and then it continues on, never checking to see if still alive. I'm not really sure how that particular animation is triggered.

Edited by dimmu1313
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