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Is it wrong to issue a death penalty?


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Well Surenas I never thought that I would see the day that you would shut up and turn conformist and bow your knee to big brother ... hmmmf ... what happened to your independant spirit dear girl ?

I can’t quite imagine you holding hands with killers and vermin singing kumbaya while dancing around the campfire, that picture is just wrong.


My dear Balagor, try thinking about the trauma the rape victim or molested child or grieving family has to go through.

But I suppose that you will never really agree to that until the day it happens to one of your loved ones.


Well just as the song Turn turn turn by the Byrds goes, there is a season “ ...to kill ... and a ...time to hate ... and a ... time to rend ... “ I reckon those times are when killers and their ilk dare show their faces.

It’s quite unreal to me how Europe has become so wimpy in regards to criminals and now you want to spread your poison to the rest of the world.


Maharth I’m with you when it comes to being absolutely certain as to whether or not the “accused” is in deed the accused, but that’s why there’s such a thing as investigation but then at least let the

punishment fit the crime.

Heck yes, at least let the criminal pay the same price when it comes to the matter of murder at the very least.


Mentally ill people – so diagnosed by the medical profession – would be given leniency and be sent to a hospital that deal with such people.

However, we have conveniently allowed criminals to slip through the justice system, here’s how;

People who steal are thieves but we conveniently call them kleptomaniacs ... “You see” , the doctor would say, “he/she has a problem your honour, they are a kleptomaniac, it wasn’t their fault, they need help”.

And so the poor little criminal gets off and walks away sniff sniff “I have a problem, please help me”.

What rubbish, this so-called “I have a problem” syndrome completely absolves the criminal from taking personal responsibility for their actions.

“It’s not me”.

And the law makers of Europe and even here in ZA and elsewhere have been so brainwashed by their compatriots in the medical profession - also included in this bunch are the “no spanking” your kids group – that even the

“normal” population has been duped and buys into this deception.


Sigh, ah well either you want justice for the victim or not I suppose.

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Well Surenas I never thought that I would see the day that you would shut up and turn conformist and bow your knee to big brother ... hmmmf ... what happened to your independant spirit dear girl ?

I can’t quite imagine you holding hands with killers and vermin singing kumbaya while dancing around the campfire, that picture is just wrong.



Well, I'm no conformist for there is no ethics left for conformism in a murder, individual or state. I just wanna get rid of all this bulls*** for it plays absolutely no role for us here in Europe. I'm very proud to live in this version of Europe and not perhaps in the mental medieval age that all too often good visibly surrounds us. May God forgive the sinners their sins, though I don't feel myself addressed.

Edited by Surenas
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My dear Balagor, try thinking about the trauma the rape victim or molested child or grieving family has to go through.

But I suppose that you will never really agree to that until the day it happens to one of your loved ones.


Well just as the song Turn turn turn by the Byrds goes, there is a season “ ...to kill ... and a ...time to hate ... and a ... time to rend ... “ I reckon those times are when killers and their ilk dare show their faces.

It’s quite unreal to me how Europe has become so wimpy in regards to criminals and now you want to spread your poison to the rest of the world.


As I mentioned in my post no. 79, I am aware. As a matter of fact I am a victim my self, a victim to severe violence. I got beated up. My hands tied on the back, and beated for half an hour. I could not do anything about it. I even got a sentence for fighting back. The only punch I ever gave in my entire life (yes, the old hippie knows how to place a proper fist). And now I am a ex-convict. My lawyer adviced me to let go the case. She said I would definitely loose. Reason is it was 3 very brave and dutiful cops that attacked me that day. Just for being the wrong place at the wrong time.

So yes I have felt the traumas and the hate and the revenge in my mind, :devil: but I will not let it eat me. Today I have no problems with this incident, I don´t want them fried or otherwise killed. But some legal justice like cleaning my record and give those cops a sentence to prison would have been okay with me.


Are we wimpy in Europe. Yes, and I am proud of it. Look to the statistics, It is proven hard that our system works. Or do you have any other explaination that the ZA, US, crime rate is is 3-6 times higher than ours? :wink:


Finally, had you lived in the times of The Byrds, you would have read those lyrics different :tongue:

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Well Balagor, I'm really sorry that you had such a bad experience with the very people that were supposed to uphold the law, that sucks big time my friend ... and I'm sure that such an experience leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and the fact that you had to "let it go" makes me really upset.

But still the criminals need to be judged and not everyone needs to be executed just those who cross the last line line of civility by taking the lives of others.

I suppose that for both you and Surenas it must be a pretty foreign concept - violent retaliation - but the world isn't the same everywhere and while European culture might have evolved into a less violent society, places like ZA and the US and a number of other nations are struggling with violent offenders of such extreme natures that the only solution is to eliminate them from our societies.

This is unfortunate but a fact of life.

And I mean no disrespect to either you or Surenas.


Btw, I just watched that number by the Byrds it definitely does mean what I said it said ... lol.

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I live in Europe as well.


And here in my country, the death penalty is abandoned as an option 10 years ago. I think it is a shame.


I am not conservative type of a guy nor a hard mountain man , but when it comes to matters like this, I have principles and strong opinions , rock-solid.


There are people which has no use on this planet, like those two rapists which I mentioned in an example in a previous post. You can FIND them use as forced labor form the state interest, you can push them that way to repay their crimes, but let them face the same thing which they did at the very end. Use them and exterminate them when they repent for their crimes. Well, they can never repent for real, as hitting the rocks with a pickaxe won't bring the dead ones back to their families, but they can serve their land , to which they brought shame and sorrow, at least.


Example should be made in this sector, where women and children suffer. With women not being protected properly by the law and justice, we, men, can't call ourselves that name.


I am old fashioned when it comes to that, and by my opinion, anyone who lands a hand on a helpless female or a child, should be punished rigorously. Very long prison sentences and forced labor, sleeping in a small box for dogs. If a murder of the same is in question, then they would earn themselves a one way ticket to the soundproof room.


I have a very weak spot for the women, children and old people. And I always defended them when I could, with all the strength I have.


I have that in my blood and I never blinked on violence towards helpless and innocent. Even before the war, where I saw atrocities of those kind as well, I always gave a helping hand, as a civilian. I even had troubles with the law for the fights I was involved in with girl-beaters. I was raised that way and I am proud on it, and I am also proud that I live in the country with the most vicious police who 'likes' very much that kind of criminals when they fall in their hands. Thanks to them and ruthless justice system for that kind, women and children are much more safe then in any other country I been and visited.


Don't get me wrong- death is not what a man deserves , no man deserves death, that is a savage thing to say.


Those people EARN death with their actions.


The real monsters-show them no mercy



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You might ask for political asylum in states that still favor human bestiality, DM.

Perhaps they grant the mercy you deny. Give it a try.


I am perfectly satisfied with living in my country, therefore, I am not in need to move anywhere else.


Political asylum where people favor human bestiality?


I tried to have a laugh, but I didn't. Not because it is offensive or something, it is rather an unnecessary comment.


I am not impressed. ;)



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I am perfectly satisfied with living in my country, therefore, I am not in need to move anywhere else.


Political asylum where people favor human bestiality?


I tried to have a laugh, but I didn't. Not because it is offensive or something, it is rather an unnecessary comment.


I am not impressed. ;)





Neither am I.

Listen up! You are by no means satisfied - the alleged shame caused by your national legislative in the wake of European directives you've explicitly mentioned above hardly satisfies you. You've expressed more than just a disappointment. That was a really lousy try. However, I'm outty. Bestiality is not included in my comprehensive repertoire.



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There are people which has no use on this planet.



How can you say that?


We are all human, inside and out, and everyone of us deserves to live on this planet whether good or bad. The problem with society today is that we are all bigots; people who believe in the elimination in the weak paves the way for a stronger future. This is not nature, we are a civilized, advanced race that has been, is, and perhaps will always be the smartest things to live on this planet. It is a sad day on mother Earth when we eliminate our own kind because we are either too ignorant, too cruel, or too lazy to change things. For those who have committed unforgiveable deeds either need to helped (The mentally unstable) or to find a suitable punishment for the common crimminal. There is a real life story which has also been made into a documentary, about a man who drove drunk and killed an eighteen year old girl. Instead of being placed on Death Row, he was given a second chance but only if he payed one dollar every week to the girl's parents in reminder of what he did for nineteen years. When he payed his debt, he lived with the full guilt that came with it.


That is how crimminals should be handled, in creative cost effective ways that cause the individual to pay for his crimes, and at the same time, to ease the crowd. What we need to do today is that we all need to grow up and have some sympathy. We are not the barbaric species we once were, and we certainly don't need to act like it.

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I fully agree with you, Keanu. What mankind needs is to learn much more about forgivness. After all, that is what makes as "humane" amongst other. Proper punishment (not death and revenge) AND forgiveness is what we need.

However I disgree with you in the line, quote: "we are a civilized, advanced race that has been, is, and perhaps will always be the smartest things to live on this planet."

Well, spending all the effort we do on fighting eachother, our selves, and this planet, does not make us look particular smart :tongue:

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