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Is it wrong to issue a death penalty?


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Well, spending all the effort we do on fighting eachother, our selves, and this planet, does not make us look particular smart :tongue:


LOL, well yes.


The point is though, that we are smart enough to find an invinite amount of ways out of any problem we face. Therefore, criminal handling should not be such a huge problem.

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A lot of you need to read every part of my posts...


You keep saying "YOU HAVE TO PUNISH THEM!"




What is the point of punishing someone who did something bad? What will it do?


Killing someone for killing someone does nothing at all.


Putting someone in prison for life and denying them human rights doesn't do anything at all.



So tell me what the point of this forceful punishment is? Who does it help? The only thing it does it waste tax money, and make the same people who feel bad about murder, feel good about murder when its done to someone else.

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A lot of you need to read every part of my posts...


You keep saying "YOU HAVE TO PUNISH THEM!"




What is the point of punishing someone who did something bad? What will it do?


Killing someone for killing someone does nothing at all.


Putting someone in prison for life and denying them human rights doesn't do anything at all.



So tell me what the point of this forceful punishment is? Who does it help? The only thing it does it waste tax money, and make the same people who feel bad about murder, feel good about murder when its done to someone else.


Okay, you got me on one foot here. Neither do I support "punishment". I have stated so in my posts. Punisment=revenge. It´s only a habit to call it "punishment".

Still I would advocate that people who have done a severe crime most be isolated from rest of the society, to protect us from further incidents.

Let us us call this isolation rehabilitation, since the goal with this isolation also should be to get the "convict" ,the rehabilitant (does that word exist in English?) back to a better lifer. I think we can all agree if it is a mentally ill, it will be mental hospital and medicatio, and a doctor will be responsible for a "return to society".

For the sane criminals the problem on many occasions are lack of education and bad compagni. If isolated in a institution, the education problem can be taken care of.

I am not saying they will all be better persons, but a large percentage can be rehabilitated. It has been proven here in DK. A part of them still remain out off what we call "pedagogical range", and can not be helped, thus have to stay perhaps all the life away from society.

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A lot of you need to read every part of my posts...


You keep saying "YOU HAVE TO PUNISH THEM!"




What is the point of punishing someone who did something bad? What will it do?


Killing someone for killing someone does nothing at all.


Putting someone in prison for life and denying them human rights doesn't do anything at all.



So tell me what the point of this forceful punishment is? Who does it help? The only thing it does it waste tax money, and make the same people who feel bad about murder, feel good about murder when its done to someone else.



Ok, so why not have a couple of nutcases come to your home in about 20minutes time, let them beat the living daylights out of you, your family, throw in a couple of rapes, maybe even stick you real good with bowie knife

or how's about a spade against the head, then rob you blind and burn down the rest of your home.

I reckon you'll sing a different tune then.

You see, now it's personal, now it's you and it dont feel so good.


In your economy, these criminals would walk away scott free after all they're just widdle badboys out for some fun and it's OK boys, dont worry you can go home and do it again tomowow, cause we dont wanna spend our

money having to illegally punish you and traumatize you wiff a prison sentence.

And dont worry about the grieving family, they most probably deserved it anyway, serves them right for living.


Anyhow, this topic has run it's course for me, either you get it or you dont.

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A lot of you need to read every part of my posts...


You keep saying "YOU HAVE TO PUNISH THEM!"




What is the point of punishing someone who did something bad? What will it do?


Killing someone for killing someone does nothing at all.


Putting someone in prison for life and denying them human rights doesn't do anything at all.



So tell me what the point of this forceful punishment is? Who does it help? The only thing it does it waste tax money, and make the same people who feel bad about murder, feel good about murder when its done to someone else.



Ok, so why not have a couple of nutcases come to your home in about 20minutes time, let them beat the living daylights out of you, your family, throw in a couple of rapes, maybe even stick you real good with bowie knife

or how's about a spade against the head, then rob you blind and burn down the rest of your home.

I reckon you'll sing a different tune then.

You see, now it's personal, now it's you and it dont feel so good.


In your economy, these criminals would walk away scott free after all they're just widdle badboys out for some fun and it's OK boys, dont worry you can go home and do it again tomowow, cause we dont wanna spend our

money having to illegally punish you and traumatize you wiff a prison sentence.

And dont worry about the grieving family, they most probably deserved it anyway, serves them right for living.


Anyhow, this topic has run it's course for me, either you get it or you dont.

That's the thing you don't get, I never said they would get away free if they did something if you were to read my posts...


Do you know how stupid this sounds "Let the grieving families feel better about a murderer by watching him be put to death."


And making a completely made up situation like you did is not going to help your case at all. I would kill the person out of self defense, but if its already done I would want him put in isolation that still allows him human rights.


The whole "an eye for a eye" ideologically never works...

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I think that what I've said is misunderstood.


I don't support death penalty as some kind of revenge or justice for the eyes of the family of the victim.

In fact, I wouldn't let some family and witnesses to watch it, there is no need for that and it is an animal thing to allow the mob to watch someone's ultimate demise.


I support it only as a ruthless but righteous dealing with the worst crimes.


Burnagirl is right, people who didn't have that gruesome experience that their member of the family or loved was a victim of a violent crime, can't understand the burden of such sad circumstances. I haven't either speaking of my family and loved ones, but I had friends who didn't had luck to live to this day because of those kind of crimes.


Back in the days of crisis here, I saw devious things done to people, beyond human imagination. Innocent people, helpless people, being humiliated, tortured and forced to die in agony.


People who commit such things has nothing to do in this world, sorry, but it is like that in my opinion, of course.


And worst thing is, people like those usually have their own families and they come back to their home and act like everything is just awesome.


Ignorance such as that, where a man doesn't have any respect to someone's rights and life, should not be among the people at all. I repeat, no, those kind of humans does not deserve punishment, they EARN it with their theory and practice.


Speaking of one dollar every week as a way of repaying for taking someone's life, and speaking of receiving money in that matter, overall, is insulting to me personally. I would never, ever take any money, because money can't break the sorrow and pain which is caused by some twisted psychopath. It is even ridiculous for me to even think about the money if such thing is in the question.


Neither their own death can bring back the loved once, and no, neither justice, it's just a cleaning thing. You mess up, rape and kill a child, you are under arrest, express trial with limited benefits for defense,you come to the basement ,face the wall and say 'farewell' to the society that you have failed in every aspect.


No justice, no revenge, no emotions involved, just a regulation of chaos with bring some order.




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I think that what I've said is misunderstood.


I don't support death penalty as some kind of revenge or justice for the eyes of the family of the victim.

In fact, I wouldn't let some family and witnesses to watch it, there is no need for that and it is an animal thing to allow the mob to watch someone's ultimate demise.


I support it only as a ruthless but righteous dealing with the worst crimes.


Burnagirl is right, people who didn't have that gruesome experience that their member of the family or loved was a victim of a violent crime, can't understand the burden of such sad circumstances. I haven't either speaking of my family and loved ones, but I had friends who didn't had luck to live to this day because of those kind of crimes.


Back in the days of crisis here, I saw devious things done to people, beyond human imagination. Innocent people, helpless people, being humiliated, tortured and forced to die in agony.


People who commit such things has nothing to do in this world, sorry, but it is like that in my opinion, of course.


And worst thing is, people like those usually have their own families and they come back to their home and act like everything is just awesome.


Ignorance such as that, where a man doesn't have any respect to someone's rights and life, should not be among the people at all. I repeat, no, those kind of humans does not deserve punishment, they EARN it with their theory and practice.


Speaking of one dollar every week as a way of repaying for taking someone's life, and speaking of receiving money in that matter, overall, is insulting to me personally. I would never, ever take any money, because money can't break the sorrow and pain which is caused by some twisted psychopath. It is even ridiculous for me to even think about the money if such thing is in the question.


Neither their own death can bring back the loved once, and no, neither justice, it's just a cleaning thing. You mess up, rape and kill a child, you are under arrest, express trial with limited benefits for defense,you come to the basement ,face the wall and say 'farewell' to the society that you have failed in every aspect.


No justice, no revenge, no emotions involved, just a regulation of chaos with bring some order.





@DM I know about all the atrocities commited in your country. I have, however not felt it on my body, but in my heart. Being as old as I am I have visited your country a lot under the name "Jugoslavia". I watched all the massacres and ethnical cleansing, and I was left stunned and speakless, thinking "is this Europe"?. Some of my friends were there to help keeping the fighting groups apart. So I know first hand tellings, but I do not live there. I have followed the peace process afterwards very closely, and all the disputes comming in the slipstream of the war. This process was/is still an example of why forgiveness will work better than punisment and revenge. I agree that the thought of having warcriminals walking around free is hard to cope with. On the other hand, in this particular situation, we talk about people/neiborghs/family that was killing and raping each other, due to ethnical belongs. If in this case we would continue to punish, even with death, there will always be a family that is feeling unjustice was brought to them. Then we got an evil spiral where we do not know when enough is enough.

The same happend in DK after WW2. We started to execute those who had cooperated with the nazi-regime. It was killing for free. Police was not established, so even a lot of "innoncent" got killed due to private disputes. Then a whole crusade of private vengence broke out, untill the police was back in buisness. I think we learned from that period.

Well, this was about the situations during or after a war. I believe that exactly the same theory works in a civilian situation. Families can relate to that their loved ones have done a terrible crime, and must do time. They can not relate to that they must pay with the life. Here comes the risk of creating another criminal. The avenger.

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They are often the worse criminals of all Balagor. The hate they bare becomes a terrible burden, until all that's left is a corrupted shell.


I believe you. Perhaps many of those who has no real motiv, but just violate a default victim are avengers. Mad at society, mad at life, mad at them self, just mad....................... :woot:

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