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User Uploaded Descriptions and Final Version Download Section.


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I'm not sure if anyone has posted something similar to this, too many forums to read them all, so.. :


I'm thinking, it would be very convenient, if anyone had the option to create as well as edit a "User Uploaded" (Just like the "User Uploaded" images) -description of any mod that they felt part of such related info was left out of its description, NOT Complaints or ideas, detailed info that would otherwise be gleaned from searching through some 25-300+ pages or so of comments on that particular mod, or it's updates. I've had to do this MANY times now, for both FO3 & FONV. (btw.. LOVE YOU NEXUS!! :D) -and since i run at least 100+ mods at any given time, (Almost always running quite stable too, i must say >.>) this can lead a mass mock-modder like me to be driven VERY slowly insane...) it would likely make it easier for the creators too, since they wouldn't have to repeat themselves so many times through feedback in the comments.


Also, i think i would be REALLY cool, (And convenient, once again, hehe.) -if there was a "Final-fully-complete-likely-never gonna-be-updated-again-cuz-its-so-awesome-already" section.. cuz then i'd know what mods i don't have to worry about updating again. (unless they HAVE to, of course, for w/e reason. :D)



Thank you for lending me your ears.. er, eyes...


Happy Modding!!




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So you mean a feature that would allow users to submit a description for a file themselves? It'd be nice to have for files that lack a proper description, but I'm not sure how well it would work in practice. It sounds pretty vulnerable to abuse.


I guess if you really wanted you could post a better description in the comments section.

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It would practically invite abuse. The first possibility I see:


We seem to attract a certain type who have a very high opinion of their own opinion :tongue: and demand that everyone else should have that opinion. :pinch:


They would take the opportunity to edit any description of any mod they disagreed with and attempt to use it to persuade people to not download it because it doesn't meet their personal standards, or doesn't do exactly what they want it to do. :down:


Feel free to PM the authors with Polite suggestions on rewriting their descriptions.

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I also think this is not such a good idea, even if it sounds right. Even if you might have only good intentions others might not. The best option would be to simply PM the authors, or leave them a reply on thier file page. Those that are still active will most likely read it and update thier descriptions if they think it's necesary. I realy like how Nexus handles things like this, giving mod authors full control over thier files. With the new sistem that's in the works(read more here) it won't even be necesary. People will have reviews wich they can read and even if a mod might not have a proper description, you will be able to find out more about it by reading it's reviews. :thumbsup:





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As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Making descriptions like a mini-wiki for the mod, i.e. anyone can contribute to them, is just asking for bottom-of-the-internet dwellers to do their thing, really. The risk here, at least from my perspective, outweighs the potential benefits.
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As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Making descriptions like a mini-wiki for the mod, i.e. anyone can contribute to them, is just asking for bottom-of-the-internet dwellers to do their thing, really. The risk here, at least from my perspective, outweighs the potential benefits.

I think that sums it up quite neatly. The whole wiki concept works well when everyone plays nice together, but it only takes a few people who have their own ideas to turn it into a total headache for everyone else concerned. Based on observations, that eventuality seems to be more a case of "when" rather than "if".

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