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Vault 34 Armory Door Fix???


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hey people I'm pretty new to the forums just been looking at all the mods people have done for the game so far and I was just wondering if someone out there can help me with a little problem. I'm doing the "I could make you care" mission for Veronica only problem is I cant do any of the 3 things I need to do. I already turned on HELIOS earlier in the game so I cant even choose to do that and I've already taken the data from vault 22 to give to the OSI so my only option left is to grab the pulse gun only problem with that is I grabbed the key and what not a while back and now the game thinks I don't have it and its not at Nelles any more......talk about retarded!!!!! they didn't do a great job at tying this game together there are a lot of really annoying little problems like this but I guess that to be expected with a game this big.


So if its not to much of a problem can someone please make a fix to either make the game know I've got the key and note already or just make the door pickable and set the skill level to 100 so you cant walk in and grab it early on in the game........I'm sure it would help more people than just me thanks

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Have you tried the console command 'Unlock'? It ALWAYS works. I know people don't like using the console, but bugs like this are what debug consoles are REALLY for, not cheating. That's just an afterthought. If you can't get the console commands to work, or you REALLY want the achievements, post again, and I'll see what I can do.
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