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"Automatic Variants" for Meshes.


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I know this is possible, I don't have the knowledge (scripting) to do it.
But would be great to have different meshes for the same object, make armors look a bit different, but still the same armor.

For example Iron Helmet with different horn shapes or just one horn, or cracked armors, or any kind of possibility. A mod like this can make the game way to immersive and different, because not every armor, weapon look like the same.

My english isn't good, that's why it's hard to me explain the concept.

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Automatic Variants actually has the capability to handle armor and weapon textures, but so far no AV pack authors have made use of it.


Seeing meshes added as well would be interesting, but more often than not meshes go hand in hand with the textures they use. This means that whatever application is doing the meshes will also need to do the textures.


Perhaps getting in touch with Leviathan (the author of Automatic Variants) would be the best way to start exploring this?

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