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How to view the full Jacobstown lodge?


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Hello everybody,

I though it would be nice to add some thing to jacobstown and so I started with the lodge.

Now the problem is that I can't see the full lodge in the GECK:



So what can I do to make it show up for full?


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I had this exact problem. It's an issue with room markers, and it effects almost every large premade cell in FNV.


Look on the Object list in your Cell View window. There should be a whole mess of static objects called "RoomMarker". They're invisible in the Render Window unless you go to View/ShowHideWindow and check the box next to Portals & Rooms, at which point they'll show up as big blue boxes. Basically, everything inside each of these RoomMarkers is invisible, so you have to move them before you can do any editing. The easiest way I've found is to figure out which RoomMarker you need to move (by inspecting the Render Window), selecting the RoomMarker you want, then changing it's Z position by either giving it a negative or positive sign in the edit object box. Once you're done editing the room, you can easily put the RoomMarker back in position by flipping the sign back again. You could also edit them en masse by moving them in the Render Window, or simply delete them all, but they're placed there for low-end machine performance reasons so unless you intend to keep the mod you're working on for personal use only, I wouldn't recommend doing this.


There's a second problem, however. The Render Window does NOT update RoomMarker changes immediately, it only updates when the cell is first loaded. If the Jacobstown Lodge or Sunset Sas cell is already loaded into the Render Window when you move the RoomMarker, you'll have to switch to a new cell view, then switch back before the rooms will appear. If all else fails, save the mod and restart the Geck; you should be able to see the room in question again.


It's a MAJOR pain in the ass, I know, and hopefully they'll patch it in the future.

Edited by DorostheConqueror
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