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The hunted


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There is an idea I have been looking for. And tried (but failed) to make. here goes.



In LOTR there are RingWraiths. And they hunt you, forever. I would like an enemy, unique notjust a random skeleton or mosnter. that hunts you for whatever reason you can think of. but more so to that. He would have unique armor and a weapon, unfortunately they would be immortal. So when they die it would start some clock until they resurrect then boom they are back, and stronger then before.


So my request, can someone make an unique NPC to hunt you down for the rest of your life :)?


If you can then maybe add a few unique boss's around im kinda blah with "goblins in the cave, ghosts in the crypt" I would kinda like to see "Karag, The Unknown" in a cave with some cool gear and spells, a bit upscale. Or "Larg The White Knight" roaming around whoopin on evil. that kinda idea.

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