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Assign a spell to a ring? HELP!!!!!!


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I've downloaded the toolset and winterforge, but I can't figure out how to make a ring that will give my rogue the ability to utilize a few sustained spells (haste, cleansing aura, etc). Basically, i want my rogue to be able to equip this ring and generate haste (or whatever sustained I decide to play with) for my party....HELP!!! Thanks!!!
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Can't be done. Spells cannot be assigned to weapons, armor or jewelry. The only way to make a Mogue or a Rage is to use the console command runscript addtalent # where # is the id number of the talent or spell. You can find the id codes at the Wiki: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console#Skill_ID_Codes. If you are using user made addon spells you will need to get the id codes from the author, some publish them with their mods, some don't.
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