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[req] Valkyrie Profile (Lenneth/Silmeria/Hrist/Alicia) Weapons and Armors


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  • 1 month later...

mhmm looking nice, just a question, will you be polishing the armor sets ?

They look great, don't take me wrong and I am very much grateful for this, the thing is the armors look very plastic, or latex like.

Perhaps if someone could help you with improving the texture and models. Too bad I can't help with that but will happily use this.

Getting both the equipment and the sisters in-game is looking mighty fun for me.


I'll give it a try asap and let you know.

I'll also give props in the file endorsement.

Can't wait to play it soon. Currently at work.


Really thanks for this, I'm really grateful. There really are so many awesome armors in old games that didn't yet find tehir ways into Skyrim.

If you played Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth you may have seen Barbarossa's armor and weapon. I wonder if I could ask you to take a look at some other games and bring their gear into Skyrim over time.


I'm pretty sure I ask for a lot, but I would like to say I like your hard work. And seeing as you did a great job already, maybe you could do some more ? The list of games I have in mind is long but I will not abuse you. I promise that, if you agree to at least take a look and consider thinking about it a little, I would be so very grateful.


Skyrim has great mods already, but I like playing old PSX and PS2 games and seeing as some people actually can help to see those wonderful things from back then into a new world. It's great.


Thank you again for the Valkyrie sisters.

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