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Nee joy unfortunately. I'm still a 'vilified' Powder Ganger. Hmm, any other theories? Script I'm going by is..


short doOnce

begin OnEquip player

AddReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 1000




Ideally, Ill whack all the RepNV factions into that once I get a test faction on my side.

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Hmm... Have you tried adding an if/then statement?


short doOnce


begin OnEquip player


If RepNVPowderGanger <= 0


AddReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 1000







Also, you could try taking that lone 1 between RepNVPowderGanger and 1000 out, and see if it isn't just adding one to your Powder Ganger rep.


Not sure if I got the syntax right, but hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Also, it may not be the same values as Karma, in which case I would look around in the GECK and see if I couldn't find the script which subtracts rep for killing powder gangers. If you do, it should be pretty simple to modify that for your purposes.

Edited by JohannesGunn
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i managed to make caesars legion not hate me after getting vilified with them, but they wouldnt talk to me or do quests, if its anything like my example then there was probably a script that used (not sure but something similar) SetEnemy


which i switched to SetAlly, but again it had very limited change lol.

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begin OnEquip player 

AddReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 1000 




Firstly you call a variable and then don't use it. Why bother?


Secondly you have an endif statement without and if statement.


Thirdly reputation in New Vegas isn't as simple as calling an addreputation.


Also, you could try taking that lone 1 between RepNVPowderGanger and 1000 out, and see if it isn't just adding one to your Powder Ganger rep.


Not sure if I got the syntax right, but hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Also, it may not be the same values as Karma, in which case I would look around in the GECK and see if I couldn't find the script which subtracts rep for killing powder gangers. If you do, it should be pretty simple to modify that for your purposes


The OP has read the geck wiki and seen that if you want to add to the infamy score you put a 0 in between the words and the number, if you want to add fame then you put a 1 - so he most definitely should keep the number there.


Also you're trying to find a variable without using a script command. In other words it won't do anything.


The code that you should be trying to use is this (theoretically, I have't actually tested it ingame so don't quote me on it if it ends up not working):


scriptname PositiveFactionScript

begin onequip player

setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 0
setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 2 0
setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 100



The reason you need to set the other reputation levels to 0 first is because the game doesn't check the raw reputation level. It checks the threshold. This is a balance of all three (mixed, fame, infamy). If you have very high fame and very high infamy you will still only have a mixed reputation ingame. So to get them positive to you you need to reduce your infamy back down to zero at the same time as boosting your fame.

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begin OnEquip player 

AddReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 1000 




Firstly you call a variable and then don't use it. Why bother?


Secondly you have an endif statement without and if statement.


Thirdly reputation in New Vegas isn't as simple as calling an addreputation.


Also, you could try taking that lone 1 between RepNVPowderGanger and 1000 out, and see if it isn't just adding one to your Powder Ganger rep.


Not sure if I got the syntax right, but hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Also, it may not be the same values as Karma, in which case I would look around in the GECK and see if I couldn't find the script which subtracts rep for killing powder gangers. If you do, it should be pretty simple to modify that for your purposes


The OP has read the geck wiki and seen that if you want to add to the infamy score you put a 0 in between the words and the number, if you want to add fame then you put a 1 - so he most definitely should keep the number there.


Also you're trying to find a variable without using a script command. In other words it won't do anything.


The code that you should be trying to use is this (theoretically, I have't actually tested it ingame so don't quote me on it if it ends up not working):


scriptname PositiveFactionScript

begin onequip player

setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 0
setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 2 0
setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 100



The reason you need to set the other reputation levels to 0 first is because the game doesn't check the raw reputation level. It checks the threshold. This is a balance of all three (mixed, fame, infamy). If you have very high fame and very high infamy you will still only have a mixed reputation ingame. So to get them positive to you you need to reduce your infamy back down to zero at the same time as boosting your fame.


I guess I see what you're saying... a stiff brew and a good look over it may help a little more. The doOnce variable in there isn't redundant, it's in use, I've just removed it from the code, in the same way the Colonel removes his secret recipe form all KFC buckets ;) (a little egotistical maybe but the code thats related to isnt relevant in this query :P )


Cheers though bud, Ill look into this and report back my findings.

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Okay, alternatively, I've tried this tact.


I fathomed how to change ONE faction to like me, but throwing others into the mix buggers it all up.


So I opted to go for this doohicky.


You put on the ID tag, change it to what you want and boom, youre one of them.


I can get my Powder Ganger rep changed if I press that first, but the other 2 wont.




;0 = neutral - 1=likes 2=hates

short button
short menu

begin OnEquip player

ShowMessage mymodMSG
set menu to 1


begin GameMode

set button to GetButtonPressed

if menu == 1

if button == 0

setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 0
setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 100
setreputation RepNVPowderGanger 2 0
ShowMessage mymodTestPowderGanger
set menu to 0

elseif button == 1

setreputation RepNVNCR 0 0
setreputation RepNVNCR 1 100
setreputation RepNVNCR 2 0
set menu to 0

elseif button == 2

setreputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 0
setreputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 100
setreputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 2 0
set menu to 0

elseif button == 3




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