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Need Help with Cell Shaded Trees


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What retarded mod is causing the trees in this pic to be cell-shaded? http://img59.imageshack.us/f/uglytrees.jpg/ This is really hurting my eyes. Edited by Moire
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That's not cell-shading. That's the LOD billboard of the trees you're supposed to see at distance. You shouldn't be seeing the LOD version that close though. Unless you have some settings adjusted to very short distances.


Look at the screenshot below. Notice the trees across the bay look exactly like the ones you posted. But mine change to full detail as I approach them. Try deleting your oblivion.ini and Oblivion will generate a new one next time you start the game. Or you can fiddle around with the different settings to find exactly which one would cause that, since I'm unsure exactly.




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That's not cell-shading. That's the LOD billboard of the trees you're supposed to see at distance. You shouldn't be seeing the LOD version that close though. Unless you have some settings adjusted to very short distances.


Look at the screenshot below. Notice the trees across the bay look exactly like the ones you posted. But mine change to full detail as I approach them. Try deleting your oblivion.ini and Oblivion will generate a new one next time you start the game. Or you can fiddle around with the different settings to find exactly which one would cause that, since I'm unsure exactly.


Don't ever do this guys. If you do keep your old ini as backup. I had to reinstall my game because the graphics didn't show in game.

Edited by Moire
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Deleting Oblivion.ini from your My Games > Oblivion folder is a very common troubleshooting step. Obviously you had other issues going on as well, as shown by your screenshot, that likely caused further problems.


Just to be sure I didn't give you bad advice I just removed my current Oblivion.ini file and started my game. Oblivion started no problem and created another one as it's supposed to. Of course this one didn't have all the tweaks my other did so I removed it and placed my tweaked Oblivion.ini back in the folder. Oblivion works just fine.


And yes keeping backups is always a good idea, I thought that was common sense. I guess common sense isn't so common. I'll be sure to specify that in the future.

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