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Vehicle mod with most of the work already done


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As some of you may remember. Fallout 3 enjoyed the fantastic Hoverchair mod:




This mod took the drivable motorcycle code and made something that didn't look s*** with it.

So now I am looking at the new Corvega mod and lamenting what could have been




Why not make a hovercar?

Dig through these two mods and I'm sure an experienced modder could figure out a way to make a hovercar that shares the various storage and other features of the Corvega mod.

Make it so you open the door, climb in and it shuts behind you. Then you have to access the computer on the dash to turn on the car or change the radio station (but the radio is easily turned on or off anyways) or perhaps you want to pull that magnum out of the glovebox?


Hover around a bit then stop the car and get out, go to the trunk on the front and open it up pulling out your rifle and such.


Don't make it too fast (something that really bugged me in the hoverchair as it caused load bugs sometimes for cells) maybe just 1.5 times unladen running speed? Fast enough to make it worth having and slow enough to preserve a sense of distance.


This is a mod with a lot of potential that I would do if I wasn't a worthless modder.

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