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Vehicle mod with most of the work already done


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Actually this has already been started for a while, its on NV nexus as Chylus Wastleland version or something like that, in a minute I'll edit this a put the link to it, it doesn't move yet, but its doors open, and it looks canon (so its a scrap heap) so it doesn't really break immerson.


Here it is, (Note in-game It's in french but still thats an easy fix, plus it's self-explanitory)


Chryslus Corvega Nuclear Edition


Try it,


Also if you get any good easter egg/funny mod ideas post em here


Funny/Silly Mods And Mod Ideas

Edited by simplywayne90
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That might be, however if someone wanted to theres the old gears of war mod by toxa01 has a car in it, and then the corvega could be used as a drivable, even if the creator doesn't someone maybe will get permission and animate it.


Theres also train mods in the works, people wanting to fix the lines and animate the trains, and theres a topic about making the monorail a way to see other worldspaces, like a rebuilt california by the NCR, and of course as always theres vertibird mods galore


Another mod idea brought up in a topic was "breaking" wasteland creatures like horses in Red Dead Redemption, the yoi guai, deathclaw, etc.


and then most likely the motorcycle will be ported from Fo3 Nexus sooner or later.


Of course these won't be finished for awhile (if ever) Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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A stupid idea I had, on reflection isn't as daft as it sounds, riding wasteland creatures. This is the wild wasteland after all, were up to our gunbelts in cowboy hats 'n sheriffs 'n stuff. All the vehicles mentioned in this thread are all well and good but lack, for me, an innate offensive capacity. A hoverchair, fine but when you ride it into a legion camp it doesn't . . . Shock and awe does it.


This is not the case when you ride in on a giant Radscorpion!


You landsurf into the place at scorpion flankspeed, your upright, knees relaxed, holding the reins in your left hand and gun in your right. . . You have everyones attention.


How this would be done storywise, I'd guess a super animal perk plus a drug to be crafted (Your gonna want to watch out when it wears off!) although raising the animal from egg has been suggested.


How it could be done game mechanics, I'm not so certain but I do know the only model you'd need to import would be the tack (reins bridle etc) and a pose which would be a bit easier than a whole vehicle no?


The more I think about this the better it seems, It could be a total cheat god item or it could be a very difficult thing to achieve requiring animal friend perk plus rare ingredients, crafting skills and blindsiding a wild Radscorpion to wrangle at a particular stage in its life.


Two things I'm certain, 'a' This could be a lot of fun and 'b' I'm not up to doing this.

So if anyone wants to run with it. . .

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