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Problem Saving Mods


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I'm not sure if this is the right forum to put this in but here goes:


I've been trying to work on a mod for personal use, effectively splicing together various parts of home mods that I like, with some rooms of my own creation using various resources from this site. My problem comes that when i save instead of saving it as an .esp file it is saving it as a 0kb .esp file along with a .tes file which I cant open for more editing/testing, meaning I cant get anywhere with my mods, could someone help please?

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A .tes file is a temporary Oblivion file that is supposed to be deleted by the computer automatically after the permanent .esp file is saved. If you ever see a permanent .tes file, you know you have a problem.


One issue you might have is that you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista on your computer. Oblivion and the modding software is for Windows XP. If this is your problem, the best way to get out around it is to reinstall Oblivion and all modding software that is directory specific to a folder outside of "Program Files" which has ridiculous, unworkable security in place. The security basically destroys your mods because they look like mal-ware. On my Windows 7 computer, I put my mods in C:\Games\Oblivion\Data.

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